I am a moderate. I am more open to compromise than many that post here (but let me make it clear about the Health Bill...I thought that compromise stunk to high heaven, although in the end I thought it was better than nothing, and something to build on in the future).
Congress has a golden opportunity here. The Lame Duck Congress can go out with a blast, and pass all the things that they were too scared to pass before.
Repeal DADT....new mpg standards...other strong environmental laws....make the middle class tax cuts permanent and cut off those GINORMOUS tax cuts for the wealthy....etc., etc.
Of course, when the Republicans get into office in January, they will undo all that they can. But that's fine. Put the Republicans in the position of trying to get votes to reinstate the tax cuts for the wealthy (I'd LOVE to hear those arguments on TV!), while they also try to repeal the health reform act that stops ins. cos. from dropping sick people from coverage, while they also try to cut social security.....
This is a good time for some of those Democrats to steal a little of that Cheney hubris, and go for the gold. Those that are coming up for re-election in a couple of years may have issues with voting for some of those things, but the Dems should go ahead anyway. What the hell do they have to lose NOW?