1. Make it very clear to the American people: If the tax cuts for the middle class expire, it will take a lot of money out of circulation and possibly push us right back into recession;
If the ones for the rich are made permanent, it will increase the deficit by $700 Billion over ten years which will further weaken the economy and do x, y,and z over time (he should make this clear to people);
2. Explain that the only acceptable plan for the US economy to help it become stronger, to not irrevocably weaken it, is to extend the tax cuts for the middle class only;
3. Make it very clear that the GOP is holding the American economy and the American people hostage so they can give huge tax cuts, worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, to millionaires and billionaires. This is dangerous, irresponsible and EXTORTION.
4. If the GOP still insists on doing things their way, let the tax cuts expire and then offer a totally separate middle class tax cut and blame the GOP loudly and ahead of time for refusing necessary middle class tax cuts just so they can pay back their corporate and rich sponsors. Point out they are willing to harm the American people and risk a return to recession while serving their rich sponsors.
5. Attack the GOP before they do anything so that they are on the defensive!!! Attack them for being more interested in serving their corporate sponsors than the American people. Put them proactively on the defensive!!