should call Republicans' bluff: Embrace key GOP proposals -- and see if they play ball
BY Steve Benen
Sunday, November 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
The goal of the nation's leading Democrat endorsing GOP proposals would have less to do with magnanimity and more to do with throwing emboldened Republicans off-balance. It's easy for GOP attack dogs to snarl when Obama is pushing his own ideas; it's a challenge to their credibility when they start attacking Republican ideas.
To a very real extent, the White House has already taken some steps down this road, albeit subtly, and with limited success. Since his inauguration, the President has endorsed a series of Republican ideas - an independent deficit commission, an individual mandate in health care, trying terrorist suspects in U.S. civilian courts.
Each and every time, GOP leaders have cynically tacked away from their own policies after learning of Obama's support, and much of the public has conveniently forgotten that Republicans ever believed in the ideas in the first place.
That's all the more reason for the President to be explicit in pursuing the strategy. Let people know that, in several key areas, the White House isn't fighting Republican ideas, but, on the contrary, endorsing them, challenging their proponents to put up or shut up.
If even then John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and their cohorts announced that Obama's overtures weren't good enough, it would send a pretty clear signal to the country about who's willing to compromise, who's willing to listen to the other side and who's sincere about finding solutions to the nation's challenges.Benen is a contributing writer to the Washington Monthly and the author of its "Political Animal" blog.