Interesting interview Lisa gave katie Couric.;lst;3<"I will tell you, I am not one of those who wants Obama to fail. If he does well, that means the country's doing well. We don't have time as a nation to spend all of what we do blocking. We have got to figure out how we get to a point where we can be sitting around the table and talking about these difficult problems and advancing some solutions."[br />
She's not shy when it comes to speaking out about another Alaskan outdoorswoman but she minimizes the bad blood created when her father appointed her instead of Sarah Palin to serve out his term in the Senate.
Couric: "What's up with your relationship with Sarah Palin? Can you explain it?"
Murkowski: I'm still her senator. I'm going work hard to represent her, too. We don't really have much of a relationship."
Couric: "You have said you would not support Sarah Palin for president because she is not worldly enough."
Murkowski: "I just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies. You know, she was my governor for two years. And I don't think that she enjoyed governing."]