wapo, being discredited again, since forever. Pretty easy to see their agenda.
http://www.salon.com/news/washington_post/index.html?story=/politics/war_room/2010/11/15/washington_post_obama_muslim_blogWashington Post blog argues Obama to blame for Muslim smears
By Alex Pareene
Here is a very interesting and provocative column in the Washington Post about how it is Barack Obama's fault that so many people think he's a Muslim, because Obama has been "circumspect about his religion" and he refuses to release his elementary school grades.
It is basically an intro to "respectable" crypto-birtherism, in which you repeat discredited conspiracy theories about the president's background while being careful to note that you totally believe him when he claims to be a Christian.
The column, by law professor Ronald Rychlak, uses a number of context-free quotes that most likely came directly from some chain e-mail. (Or World Net Daily.) He says Obama's "support for the Ground Zero Mosque also positioned him on the side of Islam." (The religion of a billion people has "a side" and it is in apparent opposition to the "side" of Americans, I guess?)Of course, this isn't a column in the print edition (that's still reserved for torture apologists and run-of-the-mill liars). This little disquisition on Obama's Otherness was posted as part of the Post's "On Faith" project, an online-only experiment in giving Sally Quinn, wife of Post "vice president-at-large" Ben Bradlee, something to do with her time.
Here's the conclusion of Rychlak's piece:
Let's be clear: One cannot see into the heart of another, and we must respect and accept the president's claim to be a fully believing Christian. It is unfortunate that he has had to face so many crazy theories, beliefs, and downright falsehoods. On the other hand, his demeanor and his approach to religion is the cause of most of the problems.
While I take Rychlak at his word that he's not a Nazi pedophile, it is totally understandable that so many people would come to a different conclusion, what with his obsession with clearing the name of Pope Pius XII, and his mustache.