Schakowsky, Debt Commission Member, Introduces Proposal That Doesn't Raise Taxes On Middle Class WASHINGTON -- After rejecting the deficit-reduction recommendations offered by the chairmen of President Obama's debt commission last week, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) has drafted a comprehensive proposal of her own.
Schakowsky's plan would reduce the deficit by $427.75 billion in 2015, without raising taxes on middle-class Americans or making cuts to federal expenditures that benefit them. As member of the 18-member debt commission, and outspoken critic of the draft report introduced by former Clinton administration chief of staff Erskine Bowles and former Sen. Alan Simpson, (R-Wyo.), her suggestions carry some weight.
"The middle class did not benefit from the Republican economic policies that led to the current deficit -- they were the victims," Schakowsky told reporters on Capitol Hill Tuesday.
"They should not be called upon to pick up the tab."<<<snip>>>
Increasing economic stimulus was another focus of Schakowsky's agenda, which would provide $200 billion in measures to spur economic growth by funding unemployment insurance and federal job creation programs.
She also calls for $132 billion in tax hikes from companies that ship jobs overseas._____________________________________________________
That last tax is something we need YESTERDAY. If companies ship jobs overseas then they should be taxed for it.