Edited on Thu Nov-18-10 12:15 PM by WI_DEM
In 2008 Candidate Barack Obama won respect and votes when he came out against a temporary gas tax holiday calling it a gimmick which would in the long run cost Americans more money--due to taking much needed revenues for roads. This was when his opponents from Hillary Clinton to John McCain were advocating such a holiday.
In 2010-2011, President Obama must be equally firm in opposing an exention of the Bush Tax Cuts. He must take the bully pulpit if necessary with a news conference or even an oval office speech and explain to the American people that the Bush Tax Cuts have helped drive up the deficits and provided few, in any jobs in the years they have been in effect. He should make it clear that he favors extending tax cuts for the middle class but will oppose any continued Bush tax cuts for millionaires. He should make clear that the GOP is going to hold middle class tax cuts hostage unless he gives in--BUT HE WON'T--even if it means that all the tax cuts expire.
I think such a track would win respect and admiration for the president, especially among independents.