we sure as hell are ignored by the people we elect. If they felt we were important, we might have an actual heathcare system similar to England or Canada.
But with the help of the useless media, we are once again being bulldozed by the big corporations.
How do the little people once again gain influence and power? We vote the Republicans out and we get Democrats who appear to be owned by the big corporations. The big boys get bailed out for their mistakes because they are "too big to fail".
We need a stronger voice. We need someone like a Rush Limbaugh or a Glen Beck to stand on our side. We need a movement like the Tea Party.
We need to someone with charisma to show voters graphs like this which compare our medical costs to other countries.
http://montclairsoci.blogspot.com/2009/11/top-of-charts.htmlStrangely, the only talking head I've watched who ever compared our medical costs to other countries was Lou Dobbs. For example this report on German heathcare.(Note: I should watch more MSNBC but it's not in hi-def on Direct TV. The only liberal voice doesn't even get to broadcast in hi-def. That's just not fair!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV9JDYErujgThe media promotes the idea that Universal Heathcare is a bad thing. We let them get away with it.
I admit that I'm frustrated. I use the term "little people" to describe myself and others like me. Our country is slipping away from us and we are fast becoming lackeys of the big corporations.
Basically we need a "hero" to express our cause. That's why I voted for Obama. I wish he would step up to the plate and show the leadership necessary to convince Americans that Universal Healthcare is the correct path to follow. He needs to use his powerful voice to lead change and fight for the average American.
Heathcare should never be a profit based system in which the rich get the best care and the lower classes get screwed.
Why isn't this the position of our party?
* Conclusion: For profit, managed care can not solve the US health care problems because health care is not a commodity that people shop for, and quality of care must always be compromised when the motivating factor for corporations is to save money through denial of care and decreasing provider costs. In addition managed care has introduced problems of patient confidentiality and disrupted the continuity of care through having limited provider networks.
8. Overall Answer to the questions Why doesn’t the US have single payer universal health care when single payer universal health care is the most efficient, most democratic and most equitable means to deliver health care? Why does the United States remain wedded to an inefficient, autocratic and immoral system that makes health care accessible to the wealthy and not the poor when a vast majority of citizens want it to be a right of citizenship?
Conclusion: Corporations are able to buy politicians through our campaign finance system and control the media to convince people that corporate health care is democratic, represents freedom, and is the most efficient system for delivering health care emphasis added http://cthealth.server101.com/the_case_for_universal_health_care_in_the_united_states.htm No, I am not a member of the Green Party nor do I ever plan to become one. I just want the Democratic Party to fight to insure that my daughter and my grandchildren get good healthcare without having to be rich or work for a big corporation.
All citizens deserve quality healthcare. In other countries it costs one half as much and is as good as or better then ours.
Sorry for rambling in this post. I just feel helpless and deserted. My daughter often tells me just to stop watching the news and worrying about the future. She points out that it makes little difference who we vote for, the result is always the same. We get screwed. The rich get richer and more powerful. The United States is of and for the big corporations and there is little or nothing the average person can do to limit their power. We are basically turning into a modern feudal society where we are all merely wage slaves.
Unfortunately, she is probably right. If so, the grand experiment that was America is over. It's all down hill from here. The rich rule and everybody else kiss their ass.