1. Scrap the whole health care reform legislation and start over -- an approach, by the way, that came from focus groups.
2. Rely on the free market.
3. Allow people to buy insurance across state lines.
4. Pass tort reform.
5. Use health savings accounts/catastrophic care policies.
To give you an idea how some of the talking points run, read the transcript of the interview with Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) below. Notice that he generally repeats boilerplate and doesn't get into specifics.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/jan-june10/pence_03-25.html Since the GOP was just
tumbling all over itself to make themselves useful during the months of work that went into the health care debate, including the White House health care summit -- at which Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), himself a physician, declared that patients' first thought must be forc cost, instead of whether their insurance covers a particular procedure -- and then came away sneering about backroom deals.
I'm one of those DUers who believes in making alliances and collecting Republican support where possible, but the political landscape has changed and moreover the GOP has no motivation to make deals with Obama; they only have to hammer him, get the media (and the public) to repeat their talking points, and hope that things get worse so that a GOP Congress and president can be voted in in in 2012. This is the party that smeared Graeme Frost and his family during the SCHIP debate. This is the party that made a circus out of Terri Schiavo's last days. This is the party that put forth the myth of death panels.
What makes you think they're going to negotiate in good faith?