An award that speaks to our highest aspirations Our actions matter and can bend history toward justice I'm at the beginning of my labors Most profound issue surrounding this prize is that I am CIC of troops at war I have acute sense of costs of armed conflict War has always been a human fact Law sought control Philosophy sought control Just war was defined Just war has historically been rarely observed Defeat of 3rd Reich was Just Cause More civilians than soldiers died in WWII Institutions developed to prevent world war America lead World to construct these institutions Some success in this = no WW III We are the heirs of foresight & fortitude Old architecture is buckling under new threats In today's wars more civilians are killed, seeds of future conflicts sown I have no solution to the problems of war We must think in new ways about the imperatives of Just Wars and the imperatives of Just Peace We will not eradicate violent conflict Nations will find the use of force necessary & Justified MLK Violence never brings permanent peace I am living testimony to the moral force of nonviolence, it is not weak, passive, or naïve As a head of state, sworn to protect my nation, I cannot be guided by their examples alone I face the world as it is and cannot be idle in the face of evil in the world This not cynicism, but a recognition of history, imperfections of man, limits of reason There is deep ambivalence about military action no matter what the cost Reflexive suspicion of America, the world's sole military super-power Whatever mistakes we have made the fact is that for 6 decades the US has underwritten global security This promoted peace and security Not to impose our will Out of enlightened self-interest We seek better lives for our children and believe they will have it if others have peace & prosperity So instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace This truth must co exist with another No matter how Justified war promises human tragedy Soldiers' courage and sacrifice is full of glory expressing devotion to country, cause, comrades in arms But war itself is never glorious Must never be trumpeted as such Part of challenge is to reconcile two seemingly ir-reconcilable truths War is necessary: War is an expression of human folly JFK let us focus on a more practical more attainable peace, based not on a sudden revolution in human nature, but on a gradual evolution of human institutions What might this evolution look like: Practical steps: all nations must adhere to standards that govern the use of force; Adherence to standards strengthens those who do and isolates and weakens those who don't Consensus re self-defense, against aggression No nation can insist that others follow rules if they don't follow them themselves Doing so makes their actions appear arbitrary and undercut legitimacy of future interventions No matter how justified This becomes particularly important when purpose of military extends beyond self defense Or (beyond) the defense of one nation against an aggressor More questions about how to prevent a a government killing its own citizens Or prevent violence from engulfing a region Force can be justified on humanitarian grounds In-action tears at conscience and can lead to more costly intervention later All nations must embrace role military with clear mandate can play to keep the peace America's commitment to global security will never waver America cannot act alone, because America alone cannot secure the peace True in Afghanistan and Somalia will continue to be true in unstable regions for years to come NATO demonstrate this truth But many nations have disconnect between efforts of those who serve & ambivalence of broader public I understand why war is not popular, but The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it Peace requires responsibility, entails sacrifice, This is why NATO is indispensable and we must strengthen UN peace keeping Don't leave task to a few countries Why we honor those who return home, not as wagers of wars, but as makers of peace As we make difficult decisions about going to war, we must think clearly about how we fight it We have a moral and strategic interest in binding ourselves to certain rules of conduct This makes us different from those whom we fight Why I closed Guatanamo, ended torture, recommit to Geneva conventions Effort to avoid such tragic choices = 3 Ways to build Just and lasting peace: 1. Must develop alternatives to violence that are tough enough to change behavior Words of international community must mean something Those who break rules must be held accountable Sanctions must exact a real price Intransigence must be met with increased pressure Pressure exists only when world stands together as one One urgent example = prevent spread of nuclear weapons, e.g. Nuclear nonproliferation treaty 50 years ago All will have access to peaceful nuclear power Those without will forsake nuclear weapons Those with them will work to disarm This treaty is a center piece of my foreign policy It is incumbent upon all of us to insist that nations do not game the system We who claim to uphold international law cannot avert our eyes when IL is flouted Care for security cannot ignore danger of arms race in ME Same principle applies to those who violate international law by brutalizing their own people Must be consequences Yes to engagement, yes to diplomacy, but must be consequences Closer we stand together the less likely that we will be faced with a choice between armed intervention and complicity in oppression 2. The Nature of the peace that we seek Peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict Only a just peace based on the inherent rights and dignity of every individual can be lasting Declaration of Universal Human Rights after WWII too often ignored Some countries' failures = excuse that these are Western principles foreign to local culture or stages of development In America tension between Realists and Idealists re human rights Suggests stark choice between narrow pursuit of interests or an endless campaign to impose our values around the world. I reject these choices Peace is unstable where people are denied the right to speak freely or worship as they please, choose their own leaders, or assemble without fear Pent up grievances fester, suppression of tribal and religious identity leads to violence The opposite is also true: only when Europe became free did it find Peace Neither American interests nor the World's are served by the denial of human aspirations Even as we respect countries and cultures we will always be a voice for universal aspirations It is telling that the oppressive leaders fear their own people more than the power of other nations It is the responsibility of all nations to make clear that these movements of hope and history have us on their side Promotion of human rights cannot be about exhortation alone, also painstaking diplomacy (lacks the satisfaction and purity of indignation) but sanctions without outreach, condemnation without discussion can carry forward only a crippling status quo No regime can move down a new path without an open door No simple formula, must balance isolation and engagement, pressure and incentive So that human rights and dignity advance over time 3rd Just peace includes not only political and civil right, but also economic security and opportunity Peace = Not just freedom from fear, but freedom from want Development does not take root without security, security does not exist where there is not enough access to food, clean water, medicine, shelter, no decent education, or a job that supports a family The absence of hope can rot a society from within Helping others is not mere charity, Security is also why world must come together to address climate change = more conflict for decades Not just scientist, and environmentalists, but also military leaders in my own country know this We need agreements among nations, strong institutions, support for human rights, investments in development I do not believe that we will have the will, determination, staying power to complete this work without something more We need the continued expansion of our moral imagination To the insistence that there is something irreducible that we all share As world grows smaller you might think that it would be easier for us to recognize how similar we are Globalization, cultural leveling of modernity = people fear the loss of what they cherish in their particular identities, their race, their tribe, most powerfully in their religion Some places this fear has lead to conflict Feels like we have moved backwards in many regions Most dangerously seen in how religion is used to justify the murder of innocence by those who have distorted and defiled the great religion of Islam and have attacked my country from Afghanistan These extremists are not the first to kill in the name of god , e.g. The Crusades Remind us that no holy war can ever be a just war Belief that you are carrying out divine will = no need for restraint against anyone even someone of one's own faith Warped view of religion is incompatible with concept of Peace and also the very purpose of Faith. The one rule at the heart of every major religion = Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Adhering to law of Love has always been the core struggle of human nature We are fallible We make mistakes Fall victim to the temptations of pride and power and sometimes Evil Even best of intentions fail to right the wrongs before us We don't have to believe that human nature is perfect to believe that human nature can be perfected Don't have to live in an idealized world to reach for ideals to make it a better place Nonviolence may not have been historically possible in every circumstance, but Love, faith in human progress must always be the guide on our journey If we lose that, faith is silly or naïve, We lose what is best about humanity, our sense of possibility MLK = refuse despair as final response to ambiguities of history, refuse to accept is-ness of man's present condition makes him morally capable of reaching up for ought-ness Let us reach for the world that ought to be That spark of the divine that still steers within each of our souls Somewhere today, in the here and now world as it is, a soldier sees that he is out-gunned, but stands firm to keep the peace Somewhere a young protestor awaits the brutality of her government but has the courage to march on Somewhere a mother facing punishing poverty still takes the time to teach her child and still scrapes together the coins she has to send the child to school because she believes a cruel world still has a place for that child's dreams Let us live by their example We can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us and still strive for justice Can admit the intractability of deprivation and still strive for dignity Clear eyed we can understand that there will be war and still strive for peace We can do that, because that is the story of human progress The hope of all the world And at this moment of challenge that must be our work here on Earth.