...complete job elimination for federal workers?
Face it.
Obama is going to have to show that he is making cuts to manage the deficit in the next years. Cutting federal jobs entirely or cutting 10% or more of wages for federal workers is what Republicans have said they would do.
So we now have people who haven't bothered to see th whole picture suddenly yak that Obama is doing something entirely evil. These same people appear to not know what is going on. Obama needs to at least keep federal workers employed, albeit with a wage freeze.
Consider the alternative. Republicans were ready to slash and burn federal workers' jobs when they get the first chance, but they now have to hold back with Obama's request to save the jobs but freeze the wages:
"It's a great start. I'll applaud when he
does the right thing, and he did in this case," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican and the presumptive chairman of the House subcommittee on federal workers. "I'd like to see things go further. Personally, I would like to see the overall payroll cut by 10%."
http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/29/news/economy/federal_pay_freeze/index.htmFederal workers annually get 3% wage increases, versus the public sector that get an average of 0.8%.
The Office of Personnel Management describes in a recent report these findings, which show that federal workers have been getting wage increases far outpacing public sector wages:
Top-paid staff have increased in every department and agency. The Defense Department had nine civilians earning $170,000 or more in 2005, 214 when Obama took office and 994 in June.
Long-time workers thrive. The biggest pay hikes have gone to employees who have been with the government for 15 to 24 years. Since 2005, average salaries for this group climbed 25% compared with a 9% inflation rate.
Physicians rewarded. Medical doctors at veterans hospitals, prisons and elsewhere earn an average of $179,500, up from $111,000 in 2005.
Federal workers earning $150,000 or more make up 3.9% of the workforce, up from 0.4% in 2005.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-11-10-1Afedpay10_ST_N.htmThere's more. The "hurt" that federal workers would get for still keeping their jobs with a temporary freeze surely is better than leaving the cubicle with boxes and heading to the unemployment line:
•Benefits. Federal workers received average benefits worth $41,791 in 2009. Most of this was the government's contribution to pensions. Employees contributed an additional $10,569.
•Pay. The average federal salary has grown 33% faster than inflation since 2000. USA TODAY reported in March that the federal government pays an average of 20% more than private firms for comparable occupations. The analysis did not consider differences in experience and education.
•Total compensation.
Federal compensation has grown 36.9% since 2000 after adjusting for inflation, compared with 8.8% for private workers.http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/income/2010-08-10-1Afedpay10_ST_N.htm?loc=interstitialskipAgain, is saving jobs that have had solid wage increases over the years with a temporary wage freeze worse than having the jobs eliminated or having wages cut by 10% or more?
On rec or unrecs:
If someone can give an honest assessment that federal workers would not get their jobs and/or wages cut with Republicans in charge AND that federal workers haven't been getting wage increases far outpacing the private sector, I'd love to see the evidence. :hi: