If you haven't guessed it's for conservatives and progressives (not conservative progressives, but for both).
It's kind of like the libertarian party, but without the selfishness, greed, and stupidity. It's for common sense folk that are okay with some government and some business in their lives.
Let me say that I am 200% behind the Democratic party. I feel that if we could actually get progressives elected in a large majority the Democrats WOULD create some real good for this country. Unfortunately, I think the two party system, talk radio, and Fox News have destroyed the credibility of both parties; justified or not. I feel the only way WE can do anything about it is to get people excited about something not related to Democrats or Republicans.
Okay so, before you shit all over me, here is how I feel this party could be on some of the issues...
Healthcare - Single payer system that would, at the very least, give people some sense of comfort if something unfortunate happened.
War/Military - Reduce deficit and keep taxes low by ending any and all unnecessary wars (Afghanistan/Iraq) and get the fuck out of countries were we are not needed. Cut weapons programs to save money.
War on Drugs - Legalize marijuana to create revenue.
Pro business - Give incentives to businesses for doing "the right thing", like keeping jobs in US, helping the environment, and making healthy green products.
Pro worker - Improve Social Security by raising the payroll cap and lowering the retirement age. etc..