.. The morality of this Fast-Day recommendation is more elevated than that of the first Message of the same high functionary, in 1851, declaring that the right of property in slaves then in Kansas, was guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States ; and defending the notorious attempt to force upon that territory a Pro-slavery Constitution, devised by fraud and maintained by armed invasion, with the whole force of the Federal Government upon the side of perjury and violence. And, lastly, the tone of this recommendation is quite above the morality of the recent Message of the President, imputing- the prevalent discontent, and the threatened destruction of the Union, " to the long-continued and intemperate interference of the northern people with the question of Slavery in the Southern States." The Presidential lesson for to-day is pitched on quite another key. Instead of a plea for stealing Cuba ; for legitimating human chattelism in the territories ; for imposing Slavery upon Kansas by armed ruffians and perjured voters ; for the vigorous enforcement of negro-catching, as the only means of preserving the Union from revolutionary resistance — instead of such topics which have formed the staple of our Presidential literature for the past four years, we have now a document which distinctly traces the "present distracted and dangerous condition of the country" to the " crimes and follies" of the nation, not excluding its Executive head ; and which seeks a remedy for this calamity and peril, not in the old specific of stealing negroes, whether in Cuba, Kansas, or New York, not by interpolating Fugitive Slave Laws and Dred Scott decisions into the Constitution, but by confessing individual and national sins, by abandoning any " false pride or opinion which would impel us to persevere in wrong," by acknowledging the evils we suffer to be "a just punishment" from our Heavenly Father ; and of course, if we are not hypocrites — though the President forgets to say this — by openly renouncing and forsaking the crimes and follies that have brought us to this hour of danger.
It seems a long way from the pirate's creed issued at Ostend, and the buccaneering manifestoes against Kansas, to the Calvinistic humility and dependence of our Fast-Day lesson. Yet there is a logical connection between these extremes ; the crime meditated against Cuba, the blood raid upon Kansas, an almost unbroken course of public injustice and wrong pursued in the interest of Slavery, have necessitated the marked judgments of Jehovah; and these have startled the mummified consciences of public functionaries into an energy all the more terrific, because so long restrained. The handwriting is seen upon the wall, and the knees smite together ...