THE AMERICAN RENAISSANCE 'LINKS'.... As media outlets scrambled over the weekend to better understand why Jared Lee Loughner allegedly went on a shooting rampage in Tucson on Saturday, Fox News
said it had a scoop: the network had "obtained" a memo from the Department of Homeland Security connecting the shooter to a racist group called American Renaissance, and this memo was distributed to law enforcement agencies.
I held off on mentioning this, because of the source -- the only thing less reliable than Fox News' opinion journalism is Fox News' attempts at investigative journalism.
I'm glad I held off. The network has already backed off its original reporting, and
Greg Sargent talked to a DHS official this morning who said the agency has made no connection between Loughner and American Renaissance.
The Fox report caused a splash, with some news orgs reporting that anonymous officials had confirmed such possible ties. Some conservatives railed at DHS for supposedly trying to tie the shooter to the right for political reasons, and others disputed the suggestion that this displayed the shooter's ideological leanings.
But DHS has not officially provided any such information to any law enforcement officials, the DHS official says.
"We have not established any such possible link," the official says.
The official cautions it's conceivable that a law enforcement official got unofficial info from a DHS official somewhere along the lines of what Fox reported. But he emphasizes that DHS has not even concluded in any official way that even the possibility of such ties exists. The official adds that it wouldn't be DHS's place to reach any such conclusion in the first place, since the FBI is leading the investigation.
In a situation like this, I'm a little more sympathetic to on-the-spot journalistic errors -- rumors were rampant on mid-day Saturday, as evidenced by CNN and NPR reporting that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) had died -- with reporters chasing down details in crisis-like circumstances.
But Fox News claimed it had a DHS memo that it didn't, in fact, have, and the story affected the politics of the story in unhelpful and misleading ways.<...>
Yesterday, from
TPMA lot of attention has been paid today to a
Fox News report about what was originally described as a leaked "DHS memo" that tied Jared Loughner to an anti-immigration, racist group called American Renaissance.
But Fox has walked back its initial description of the memo as coming from the Department of Homeland Security. Now it uses a labored description: "a law enforcement memo based on information provided by DHS."
That's not the same thing as a DHS memo, and it suggests somewhat less certainty about whether Loughner's reference to the group in his internet ramblings is getting special attention from law enforcement.
Was Fox trying to shift the focus away from Palin? If so, isn't it positively Freudian that they used a RW group to do so?
On edit, think about this: While others in the media were using the fake friend to claim Loughner has a liberal past and the teabaggers e-mailed talking points to play up the connection, Fox instead pick a RW group to shift the debate away from Palin's crosshairs and the hateful rhetoric being commonly used by her, the RW media and other high-profile Republicans.