(posted 9 months ago)
In a message posted on her Facebook page Sunday afternoon, Sarah Palin reiterated her call for supporters to "reload" in the battle against health care reform, a term that provoked controversy last week after critics accused her of inciting violence against members of Congress."The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons -- your Big Guns -- to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win," Palin wrote. In the headline of her update, she mockingly predicted that the message would be "subject to new politically correct language police censorship."http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/03/29/on-facebook-sarah-palin-mixes-gun-imagery-march-madness-in-exh/The woman is a lunatic and she deserves every bit of criticsm being thrown her way right now.