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Obama's Iran strategy is working

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impik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 09:08 AM
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Obama's Iran strategy is working
David Rothkopf:

From its start, I have viewed the Iran sanctions regime the Obama administration has helped devise with great skepticism. However, if recent reports are to be believed, the sanctions may someday be seen in retrospect as a vital element of an effective strategy to curtail the Iranian nuclear program. In fact, the possibility is beginning to emerge that they could be seen as part of what may someday be seen as one of the signal triumphs of Obama-Clinton foreign policy.

My initial concerns about the sanctions program were several. First, it was my sense that such sanctions programs tend not to be terribly effective where authoritarian regimes are concerned. Next, sanctions tend not to be effective if they do not are not supported globally by all the economies interacting with the country facing sanctions. Third, in the case of these sanctions, the Russians and the Chinese carved out elements that protected important components of their own trade with Iran. Fourth, my sense is that the Iranians are engaged in a cat and mouse game with the international community in which they make a few seemingly constructive moves, even appear to make concessions, and then continue on with their nuclear development work behind the scenes.

My sense was also that international diplomatic and economic pressure would simply not be enough to really impede their program -- especially if the threat of the use of force to punish them if they did not back down was not credible. And the message from the administration was not tough enough on that last point.

However, when last week, the departing boss of Israel's intelligence service, Meir Dagan, stated that in his view the Iranian program had in fact been set back to the point that it would not be able to develop nuclear weapons until 2015 at the earliest, it suggested that whatever was being done was working. No one, for obvious reasons, takes the Iranian threat more seriously than the Israelis (although WikiLeaks confirmed for all how worried the Iranians make all their neighbors). If they who had been saying two years ago that the Iranian threat would reach a critical level within a matter of a year or so were now saying it has been pushed out several years, it was more than just an interesting sound bite.

Read more:
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Kdillard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:18 PM
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1. Diplomacy it works. K and R.
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Cali_Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:24 PM
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2. The people most impacted by sanctions are the poor, working-class people
It drives the cost of goods and services up for many poor people.

Why don't we sanction Israel? They have nukes and have violated the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
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