Since the Right Wing claptrappers and locksteppers and willing stooges want to absolutely ignore the FACTS regarding their vitriol and reject any inference to them being at least partially guilty for death threats, murder and other sordid behavior, I think it's best that the real ways to expose them is by assuming they are just nuts.
It's not surprising. They just can't help themselves. Like drunks wrapping their greasy lips around a whiskey bottle. Like junkyard dogs yapping and attacking your leg. Like raw sewage spurting out of a alley dripping down into the gutter. Like a halfwit robber getting caught in a bank heist by dropping his wallet at the scene of a crime.
You get the idea.
It's apparent that nothing is going to change with the violent vitriol in the next years and decades.
Why should we kid ourselves.
If you're as nuts as these people are, you understand that it's a chance to achieve the American Dream of fortune and fame by being nuts. Violent-prone. Wave guns around as if we're all supposed to step in line or get popped.
Enjoy the fear. Plenty more is coming down the road. It's good for ratings. Book sales. PAC fundraisers. Fox News commentary.