Harold Meyerson says that underlying the Right's violent rhetoric is a pervasive culture of paranoia.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/11/AR2011011105685.htmlThe primary problem with the political discourse of the right in today's America isn't that it incites violence per se. It's that it implants and reinforces paranoid fears about the government and conservatism's domestic adversaries.
Much of the culture and thinking of the American right - the mainstream as well as the fringe - has descended into paranoid suppositions about the government, the Democrats and the president. This is not to say that the left wing doesn't have a paranoid fringe, too. But by every available measure, it's the right where conspiracy theories have exploded.
A fabricated specter of impending governmental totalitarianism haunts the right's dreams.