I noticed that O'Conner stood up but did not applaud.
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Wed Jan-12-11 10:52 PM
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I noticed that O'Conner stood up but did not applaud. |
Was she unable or didn't want to?
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Wed Jan-12-11 10:55 PM
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1. Perhaps she felt uncomfortable applauding at a memorial... |
The fact it was a very public event held in a sports stadium gave it a far more casual and less gravely serious atmosphere, but it was still a memorial, so it may have seemed inappropriate to her to have applause. :shrug:
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Wed Jan-12-11 10:56 PM
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2. Supreme Court justices don't applaud at speeches |
Maybe that's been her practice for so long, she still adheres to it, even though she's retired.
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Thu Jan-13-11 07:47 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
12. at least she didn't shout at the President, Alito-style. |
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Fri Jan-14-11 08:08 AM
Response to Reply #12 |
17. Be fair, Alito did not shout |
he just mumbled something and shook his head.
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Wed Jan-12-11 11:00 PM
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3. She also seems to have very bad arthritis in her hands |
If that's the case, I wouldn't think she'd be clapping.
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Wed Jan-12-11 11:07 PM
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4. For those of her age, applause at a MEMORIAL SERVICE is inappropriate. |
These days it's all the rage, but that's a very recent thing. I am divided as to how I feel about it, and the cheering and chanting. People are dead and grievously wounded and this is traditionally a somber time for serious reflection.
But people will do what moves them. Times change. She is just from another time.
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Wed Jan-12-11 11:11 PM
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5. I agree with Empowerer's reply above |
It's probably a hold-over from her days on the Supreme Court where all the judges make every attempt to not show their own personal opinions or reactions in public.
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Wed Jan-12-11 11:50 PM
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6. SCOTUS judges are supposed to exercise apolitical response. |
I'm a federal government appointee, and we cannot show outward political deference in similar settings. I think she's used to being apolitical in that way.
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Wed Jan-12-11 11:58 PM
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7. She was THERE and she also gave Daniel Hernandez a big hug. |
rufus dog
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Thu Jan-13-11 12:05 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
8. and a huge round of applause along with a huge smile |
So she definitely clapped.
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Thu Jan-13-11 01:31 AM
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9. She did applaud Hernandez; don't know about the rest. |
Edited on Thu Jan-13-11 01:32 AM by elleng
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Thu Jan-13-11 01:40 AM
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10. i watch obama's speech again |
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Thu Jan-13-11 07:33 AM
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11. Judicial habit; judges shouldn't applaud (nt) |
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Thu Jan-13-11 07:56 AM
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13. She appears to like Pres Obama |
I've seen her at a few things. Like State Dinners and announcements for the two new justices
stray cat
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Thu Jan-13-11 08:29 AM
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14. Does it matter? Applause does not dispay ones heart |
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Fri Jan-14-11 05:28 AM
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15. Justices don't applaud at the State of the Union speech. |
They are not supposed to. I can see why she continued that practice, even though she is retired.
That's not the same thing as the Republicans "sitting on their hands". :rofl:
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Fri Jan-14-11 06:48 AM
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16. Extremely PETTY nitpicking. nt |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:20 AM
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