Why Remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
When America celebrates our holidays such as Martin Luther King Day, it is important to remember why we celebrate.
Are we celebrating a man who helped focus the nation on racial inequality? Are we celebrating a movement that helped make America a more tolerant place despite our continued failings? Are we celebrating a man who embodied the sacrifice that called all Americans to give in the name of equality and peace? Let us not forget all the people in the movement, men, women, blacks, Jews, Whites, Asian, Native Americans, everyone. We celebrate a movement for which King was a leader, not just the man himself. Let us not forget the lessons King and so many others have taught us.
Howard Zinn on Dr. King and President Obama:
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Watch the Video on YouTube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ8bkwn9mrk Peace,
Tex Shelters