by Jed Lewison
You know how Republicans triumphantly "won" the 2010 midterm?
Well, even though GOPers recaptured control of the House, installing John Boehner as Speaker, Majority Leader Eric Cantor is now saying that Democrats still control the federal government:
Republicans have spent the past two years excoriating President Barack Obama’s agenda and saying they have far better ideas on how to run the country.
Now that they control the House, Republicans are being curiously deferential to the president, suggesting on several occasions that he needs to take the lead in setting the agenda. ...
“We as Republicans do not control this federal government—the other party does,” Mr. Cantor said Friday.
Cantor's words basically mirror
the advice of Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who last week urged the GOP to avoid taking any responsibility for running government so that they can continue pointing the finger of blame at President Obama for everything that goes wrong. The only thing Barbour and Cantor think the GOP should do is say "no" to policies they don't like so that they can do better in the next election. In other words, nothing has changed since November.
Republican playbook, from con job to bluster to cop out.