This morning, as the House of Representatives begins debating H.R. 2 Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, the majority of Republicans in the House will still be receiving insurance through the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Plan — a federal exchange which offers subsidized coverage to federal government workers, including members of Congress. According to a ThinkProgress analysis, seven, or just three percent of all the Republicans in the House have agreed to give up their insurance while they vote to repeal coverage for some 32 million Americans. “Because I think that when you have Americans that are struggling, why should I get a cost saving because I just got elected to the United States House of Representatives?,” Rep. Richard Nugent’s (R-FL) — one of the seven Republicans — explained two weeks ago. Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) agreed, saying that Congress “shouldn’t have anything better than the American people.”
But the majority of the GOP still sees nothing wrong in purchasing tax-payer subsidized insurance while trying to deny coverage to the taxpayer. In fact, a number of Republicans are defending their right to stay insured by citing the very arguments put forward by proponents of reform