Included within the recently passed health care law is a provision that allows states to propose their own pilot health care programs and seek a waiver from the federal health care law so that they can pursue their own approaches to health care reform. The current law allows states to pursue these waivers in
2017. Yesterday, Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT)
introduced an amendment to the law that would move this waiver date up to 2014, and he instantly received support from his fellow Vermont public officials Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-VT). There is also support in the Senate for moving the waiver date forward, in the form of an
amendment introduced by Sens. Scott Brown (R-MA) and Ron Wyden (D-OR).
Earlier today, ThinkProgress attended a meeting with Democratic House members and asked them about their plans to respond to the Republican push to repeal health care and about their thoughts on Welch’s legislation. Two members of Congress, Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Jim McDermott (D-WA), explictly endorsed Welch’s proposal. Schakowsky told ThinkProgress that she “absolutely” supports the Welch proposal and that Republicans “ought to be for” it because they claim to believe in “states’ rights”:
THINKPROGRESS: (Welch) had mentioned along with the rest of the delegation of Vermont that they’re actually looking at moving the waiver of letting state’s pursue their own health systems from 2017 to 2014 to allow Vermont to pursue sort of a single payer style approach. Would you support moving that waiver?
SCHAKOWSKY: Absolutely. I think that all of the leadership now in Vermont, here in the House, Senate, the Governor had a press conference together in order to do that. Let Vermont show us the way to a single payer system. The former governor was on television last night, Howard Dean, talking about that as well. I think we should be able to experiment. We should give states the option. Republicans ought to be for that. States’ rights, experiment with their own plans, and do a single payer.
McDermott told ThinkProgress that he “of course” supports the Welch proposal. He explained that he had tried to get a single payer system enacted in 1985 in Washington state, but that federal insurance laws prevented him from doing so. He said that “state by state implementation is probably the best way to go”:
THINKPROGRESS: You mentioned earlier that you were a single payer advocate, states like Vermont or maybe California, may move ahead and implement state based programs like that, but they need a waiver from the federal government; the current waiver kicks in at 2017, some members are trying to push that waiver forward and implement those systems in 2014, would you support that?
MCDERMOTT: Of course. I basically tried to do that in the state of Washington in 1985. But the problem at that point was you couldn’t get everybody in the state into it because of ERISA. <...> The big companies use ERISA as their protection, they were not willing to allow the state of Washington to develop their own plans. I watch what happened in Canada in ’67 when Tommy Douglas put the program together in Saskatchewan. My view is that state by state implementation is probably the best way to go.
Watch it: