Here was my answer to his bullshit...
Yeah, Right! :-(
On 1/20/2011 11:39 AM, Joe Biden wrote: > > Together, we took on difficult issues that had been put off for decades. And some say we have accomplished more in two years than any administration since Roosevelt's.
Oh, Brother -- now THAT'S A STRETCH!!!
> > Take a look at the Promises Kept report of all the work we've done in two years -- you can download a copy or have a few sent to you to share with friends. > > There's a whole lot to be proud of. > > Of course, the big ones come to mind first: historic health insurance reform, which is reining in the insurance companies and helping control the cost of care for millions of Americans; Wall Street reform, which put in place the toughest consumer protections ever; and the end of combat operations in Iraq, which brought more than 100,000 troops home.
(and left over 50,000 in place along with another 50,000 "contractors" -- Who do you think you're fooling!)
> > And there is so much more you've helped achieve that is right now improving lives across the country: > > -- We passed the Recovery Act, which saved and created more than 3 million jobs, provided the largest middle-class tax cut in a generation, and made landmark investments in clean energy, infrastructure, and education.
And could have "saved/created" MANY more if you had concentrated on financing relocalizing efforts for Main Street instead of feeding the banksters who created "the crisis" and have been the main beneficiaries of the "bailout"...
> > -- We made critical investments in General Motors and Chrysler, saving tens of thousands of jobs -- and perhaps the companies -- and spurring a rebirth of the American car industry.
And could have required some fiscal responsibility in the executive suites and a rational, long term, sustainable transportation initiative (mass transit, light rail, modal intra-urban transportation models) instead of promoting the same dead-end car culture that's choking us...
> > -- We wrote into law student loan reform and credit card reform, which ended the worst abuses of the banking industries and are making lending fair for American families.
You DID NOT END the worst abuses of the banking industries. You should have repealed that execrable bankruptcy law. You should have kept the new consumer protection agency OUT of the clutches of the banker-owned Fed, etc. etc. Oh, by the way,
Oh, and how's that appointment of Elizabeth Warren working out?
> > -- We put two new Supreme Court justices on the bench -- Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who bring rich and diverse experience to the Court.
Who also bring sterling corporate credentials so that they can maintain and enhance the status-quo here in the Corporate States of America...
> > -- We have begun to reset America's relationship with the international community, from the ratification of a new START nuclear arms treaty with Russia to tough new sanctions on Iran to strengthening our long-term partnership with a unified Iraq.
You have continued and expended the dead-end war policies of the last 66 years as well as g.w.bush's (now Obama's) two major wars...
> > -- And we finally repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which was the right thing to do -- not only because it makes our military stronger at a time when it needs to be the strongest, but because we are seeking that military might with an abiding sense of justice.
So now gay people can be cannon fodder for the Empire without worrying about being summarily dismissed...
> > Telling the story of the past two years will be critical to the fights ahead. And it's not just the story of this president or this White House -- it's your story.
My story is in between the lines above...
> > And it is literally proof that the organizing you do on the ground -- the conversations you have with your friends and neighbors -- is working.
No it isn't working. As one who was blown off by OFA when we tried to discuss Improved and Enhanced Medicare for All, we still have the for-profit insurance corporations and Big PhRMA in charge of our health care. Any discussion of any effective health care delivery and cost containment policies was "off the table" from the beginning...
You know, the policies and practices that the entire industrialized world has already embraced for less than half the cost and better outcomes!?
We still have the many wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, drugs, Terror(tm), USAmerican citizens of conscience) raging right along and draining our society of financial and moral capital.
And corporate interests have nearly ALL of the power in the halls of Congress as well as the shattered economies of Main St.
Way to go, Joe!!!
We need two more years of this crap, right?