The Hate WE Tolerate
In the wake of so much speculation regarding the motives of a murderous madman—something none of us can ultimately know—it is worth taking a look at just what have been the extremes of discourse that help legitimate hatred in our society, and could, conceivably, lead some to believe in the legitimization of violence. The role, in recent times, of Glenn Beck is a particularly useful vehicle for examining this question.
When, for instance, Mr. Beck posits the outrageous notion that President Barack Obama “has a deep-seated hatred for white people, or white culture,” including, say, his mother and the grandparents who raised him, Beck sounds like a madman to most of us. But not only do his views represent a consensus among many of his Fox colleagues and viewers, they also were actually endorsed by the network owner, Rupert Murdoch.
Between Beck’s television program and his even less restrained daily radio broadcast, Fox is supporting the spreading of some genuinely worrisome, potentially violence-inducing arguments against America’s president. Beck feels no compunction in terming the president the leader of an “army of thugs” and comparing the country under his presidency to “the damn ‘Planet of the Apes.’” Beck has promoted a 1936 book, The Red Network, written by Elizabeth Dilling, in which the author claims that “un-Christianized” “colored people” are “savages” and that “American Negroes have acquired professions, property, banks, homes, and produced a rising class of refined, home loving people” thanks to the “American government and the inspiration of Christianity.” To Palin and Beck
Words/Actions have consequences...first rule of life. And the second rule is this - you are the only one responsible for your own actions
Holly Lisle, Fire In The Mist, 1992
"Those with a megaphone, whether provided by public office or a media outlet, have responsibilities. They cannot avoid the consequences of their blatant efforts to inflame, anger, and outrage. We all know that there are unstable and potentially dangerous people among us. To repeatedly appeal to their basest instincts is to invite and welcome their predictable violence.
So long as we all tolerate this kind of irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric or, in the case of some commentators, treat it with delight, reward it, and consider it cute, so long will we place all those in public life, whom the provocateurs dislike, in the cross-hairs of danger.
That this is carried out, and often rewarded, in the name of the Constitution, democratic rights and liberties, and patriotism is a mockery of all this nation claims to believe and almost all of us continue to struggle to preserve. America is better than this."
Gary Hart 1/8/2011
My comment:
The only way we can stop this is boycotting FOX NEWS
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