Dean: The Democratic Party will surge in the Northeast despite Lieberman, Dodd departures
BY Howard Dean

At least in New England, the Democrats have benefited enormously by being able to focus on environmental issues and, most importantly, good fiscal management in town halls. This has attracted Republicans who were repulsed by the national Republican intolerance of gays, immigrants, minorities and all things environmental, often accompanied by the same heavy doses of religious intolerance that drove New Englanders out of England 400 years ago.
Although the Democrats are not without their internal strains in this new coalition, I would argue that is a good thing for the party, and more importantly a very good thing for Connecticut and for our country.
Good fiscal management is the underpinning for progressive change. While in the past my party has indeed been guilty of too much taxing and spending, Bill Clinton, who balanced the budget, and George W. Bush, who spent the surplus, reversed that stereotype. The addition to the Democratic Party of a “business wing” which is worried about fiscal issues certainly causes significant short term strains in our traditional coalition, but over the long term traditional Democrats will find that good fiscal management will more easily lead to a well run, frugal universal health care system. It is also likely to lead to a more productive education system, which will help kids that have the least educational opportunity.
In turn, thoughtful and open-minded business leaders (which I think is still the right way to characterize the New England business community) will now find the kind of partners among traditional Democrats which can lead to real bottom-up change — rather than the “limousine liberal” top-down approach which was so prevalent in the 1960s and 70s. The truth is that wealthy reformers need community people to make programs really work, and vice versa.
Of course, we could blow it. If we focus on maintaining Democratic power instead of earning re-election by doing the job right, Democrats will get a quick ticket to political oblivion in Connecticut and elsewhere. Our hope lies in the new, young crop of statewide officials and members of Congress. They are in tune with a moderate, young generation of leaders in a number of fields, capable and motivated to reform steadily, at a measured fiscally sound pace.
That is what people in New England want, and only the Democrats are selling that product right now.