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Fickle independents return to Barack Obama
By ALEXANDER BURNS | 1/23/11 4:22 PM EST
President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats learned at least one big lesson in the November elections: What the independent voter gives, the independent voter can also take away.
But now, the same temperamental bloc that threw House Democrats out of power appear to be in a giving mood again - at least as far as Obama is concerned.
That unpredictable, cranky group of voters who helped carry the president into office two years ago before turning against him in dramatic fashion, may be turning back in Obama’s direction even more quickly.
A series of national polls released over the last week shows Obama’s approval rating on the upswing among voters who don’t affiliate with either political party.
In two polls, Obama’s standing with independents jumped by double digits. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed him clocking 46 percent approval among independents - an 11-point increase since December.
A CNN/Opinion Research survey was even more sanguine, showing a 15-point leap for Obama, to 56 percent approval.