To save you time, I have summarized Obama’s upcoming version of the pandering SOTU address. Aren’t they all about pandering, no matter who the president is?
Obama’s coming State of the Union Address, or SOTU (with his running thoughts in parenthesis):
My Fellow Americans:
God reference stating Obama’s and America’s reverence for the mythical man in the sky. Blah blah blah we face challenges. Blah, blah, the end of the recession is near though we still face challenges.
Blah blah blah we must come together Democrats, Republicans, blahs and blahs and blahs and blahs and work for the common good blah blah blah.
We will freeze spending because blah blah blah and encourage job growth through incentives to business blah blah blah pander pander pander (I’m in as pres in 2012!)
Security, troops doing good job, security.
Economy turning around blah blah empty metaphor featuring ship and slow steering, (I hope they believe this load) spiritual reference that makes one think of MLK (god forbid not Malcolm X)
Reference to “those of us in our hearts still struggling for life” (Giffords) and those everywhere making America a safer place whether in foreign land 1, or 2, or 3, or 4 (see, I support the troops everyone, see?)
It is a new day in America paraphrase of Reagan to please the 18 Republican votes he got in 2008 (I hope the Republicans like me more now!)
We have accomplished much, but more work must be done. Another ass-kissing statement about bipartisanship for the Republicans.
We can’t be free until all citizens of the world are free oblique reference to Tunisia (I hope Americans don’t know we support the Egyptian dictatorship with a $ billion each year) and we will be the shining light for freedom for people around the globe.
Rah rah cheerleading patriotic god filled closing.
(Exit stage right),
Tex Shelters