The Tea Party is united, has the financial backing of prominent billionaires, has the the support of Fox News and talk radio, has a sympathetic ally in the Republican Party, and even is treated with respect by many in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. In addition, the Tea Party is made up mostly of those from the dominant culture in our society and is thus effective at communicating with most Americans.
There are many parallels between the Tea Party and the Nazis: -- Both came to power in a time of economic anger -- Both are responses to the "threat" of "foreign influences" (Jews, gypsies:illegal immigrants, Muslims) -- Both contain angry psychotics who have delusions about the enemy (Obama's not an American, he's a Marxist, the liberals are trying to take your money, we're pushing homosexuality on kids, etc.) -- Both started off as quasi-legitimate and most people believed they (1) would not gain control or (2) were all that awful -- Both believed we needed to bring a resurgence of so-called traditional values -- Both were based on decisive leaders and dutiful followers (Tea Partiers do not challenge the message of Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Ailes, or any of the others) -- Both believed in the superiority of their culture (though sadly idea of American Exceptionalism seems to extend beyond the Tea Party) -- Both gained power when the left was divided into multiple factions (the Germans had the Socialist Party and a couple communist parties that refused to form a united front against the Nazis) -- Both were made up primarily of people from the majority (white Christians with firm roots in their nation) who began to act like an oppressed minority
While it's anyone's guess what form American fascism will ultimately take, I don't think we want to find out. Already we see in some states the effective euthanasia of poor people in need of transplants, the active disenfranchisement of Hispanics, and the increased purchase of weapons by those sympathetic to the Tea Party.
Whether Obama is everything we want him to be or not, he is in the best position to blunt the power of the Tea Party. We need to stand together or else we really risk the rise of American fascism, and the Nazis proved that it does not take a majority to corrupt a nation and lead it to ruin. We need to find a way to unite so that we do not waste our energy fighting each other while the real enemy continues to make political gains.