Sometimes Jon Stewart annoys the hell out of me. He picks the wrong things to make jokes about
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:06 PM
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Sometimes Jon Stewart annoys the hell out of me. He picks the wrong things to make jokes about |
He should be making fun of Bachman, not POTUS
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:06 PM
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:31 PM
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8. Now we know Stewart is making fun of Obama |
Edited on Wed Jan-26-11 11:39 PM by CreekDog
when what we all see today is Obama riding high after his speech last night.
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:08 PM
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:10 PM
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3. It was lame. He spent too much time focusing on Obama's. NT |
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:11 PM
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4. The POTUS is always the favored target, I think. nt |
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:11 PM
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5. Who ISN'T hard on the POTUS? |
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:27 PM
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6. Michelle is not the only one who has it coming |
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Thu Jan-27-11 10:44 AM
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Dr Fate
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:29 PM
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7. Yes- Stewart should be Obama's court jester. |
Someone to jeer and riducule his enemies for the delight of the court! LOL!
Please- Obama is the President-supposedly the most powerful man in the world. The SOTU address is mandated by the Const and is the relevant news item here. Not so much Bachman's response to the response.
He is a comedian, after all. I would not always expect a professional comedian to go after the fly when he can go after the big game.
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:40 PM
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His job has always been to make fun of politics and news media. He makes more fun of Dems now because they are in power, but even with that I think he still skewers the right FAR more!
The Velveteen Ocelot
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:41 PM
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10. Anybody and anything is fair game for comedy. |
If you don't think it's funny don't laugh. But there's no such thing as a "wrong thing" to make jokes about. Personally, I think Bachmann is far funnier and more ridicule-worthy than Obama, but nobody should be spared if a joke can be made. I'd hate to see Stewart turn into a sycophant who makes fun only of people we don't like.
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:51 PM
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11. You are dead to me, Jon. DEAD! |
(am I doin' it right?)
Clio the Leo
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Wed Jan-26-11 11:54 PM
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12. lol, so THAT is why my DVR didn't record the show... |
.... apparently after years of Obama indoctrination, it has learned to delete anything that bashes. :)
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Thu Jan-27-11 12:27 AM
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13. Dude, he barely even made a single joke about Obama |
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Thu Jan-27-11 12:44 AM
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14. I am so confused-- one day we are primarying Obama and the next we're... |
complaining about a joke.
I no longer have any idea just how I should feel about the President.
rufus dog
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Thu Jan-27-11 12:59 AM
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15. West Coaster, so haven't seen it yet |
But it is just a joke.
Can Jon be lame, fucking A yes, but he is a comedian.
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Thu Jan-27-11 01:00 AM
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16. you can't hit a homerun every time you're up to bat |
Hell Hath No Fury
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Thu Jan-27-11 04:03 PM
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18. I guess you didn't like Jon much -- |
the years he spent ripping on Clinton, either. :eyes:
He is doing his job. As expected, and needed.
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Thu Jan-27-11 04:51 PM
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19. Minutes later, he did tear in to Bachman |
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