Somehow, the marriage fraud for which Eric Affholter was convicted seems more honest than the marriage between Charlie Crist and Carole Rome. Both were high-profile attorneys for whom a marriage was rife with political intrigue. Only in Affholter's case, the marriage of his partner Pedro to a female friend was motivated by his desire to secure Pedro's legal residence in the U.S., the same way an American who fell in love with an immigrant of the opposite sex could secure that person's citizenship.
The Crist engagement, of course, occurred just as Sen. John McCain kicked off his search for a vice presidential nominee, a selection Crist lusted after. If the hope was to ease fears among Republicans that Crist was closeted gay, it didn't work. Sarah Palin, whose heterosexuality is beyond reproach, got the gig instead.
Crist still followed through with the marriage, of course, but in the year since the pair have rarely been seen together. Most recently, Crist spent the evening of their first anniversary
in Palm Beach's Mar-a-Lago at a March of Dimes fundraiser, with wife Carole nowhere in sight, according to