Threatens To Go GOP In 2012, Torpedoing All Hopes Of Getting To 60 On Healthcare
Joe Weisenthal|Dec. 16, 2009, 5:33 AM Loosinhouse (1000+ posts) Fri Oct-30-09 10:26 AM
Original message
I honestly think that Lieberman is prepping for a very flashy party jump
He'll do it right before the Senate healthcare debate for maximum exposure. He will run as a Republican in Connecticut, a state with thousands of insurance jobs, and he will say he did it to save those jobs (at the cost of American lives, but whose counting?) and to save all Americans from "government run" (gasp!) healthcare.
If the Democrats were smart (which they have proved time and again they are not where he is concerned) they would use his recent threats of supporting Republican filibuster and plans to campaign for Republicans in 2010 as the excuse to throw him out of the caucus and strip him of his chairmanship.
He will be robbed of his self-aggrandizing moment in the sun which will suck all the air out of the room during the reform debate WHICH WE NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO but which the media won't be covering because they will be all Joe Lieberman for a 24-48 hr news cycle.
So Dems, for once, be smart and rid yourselves of Lieberman - screw him before he screws you. His switch to the Republican party will look like him crawling on his stomach hoping someone will take him instead of the great shafting of Obama, Reid and the Dems as is currently designed
They should have followed my advice.