What a Weekend
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Sun May-01-11 11:48 PM
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Friday He released the long form birth certificate and killed the birther movement Saturday he kicks Trump in the nuts just for good measure Sunday Kills Bin Laden
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Sun May-01-11 11:49 PM
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1. I am still confused about when bin Laden was killed. |
Obama said today, but reports from Pakistan said it was last week.
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Sun May-01-11 11:52 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. I believe it was earlier today |
MSNBC just said they attacked compound today (yesterday)
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Sun May-01-11 11:50 PM
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2. I'd say he ordered Bin Laden killed rather than he killed him |
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Sun May-01-11 11:52 PM
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4. And Friday my mom died after a long long decline. And today my niece had her |
bridal shower.
I've had quite the weekend, too. It's all a bit much, lol. In a mostly good way.
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Mon May-02-11 08:49 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. So sorry about your mom. Condolences....n/t |
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Mon May-02-11 09:05 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. Oh, kestrel91316, my very sincere condolences to you. |
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Mon May-02-11 10:43 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. thx, babs. I'm surprisingly untraumatized. I sort of let go of her as a mom |
decades ago, and she was just the batshit insane relative who caused my poor sister so much trouble.
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Mon May-02-11 10:46 AM
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8. And add in the Royal Wedding and the two great shows from my kid's band, ACIDIC! |
They played Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon too.
It was a GREAT weekend around casa de calimary! It literally ROCKED (ACIDIC-style, that is)!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:46 AM
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