Death OF Bin Laden
by tristero
Congratulations to the women and men, both in this country and elsewhere, who worked for over ten years to find and capture/kill Osama bin Laden. The details are still very sketchy and there are many questions, but
this was undoubtedly an incredibly difficult task, and a frustrating one. But they succeeded, finally, and I feel they deserve our thanks. snip//
From Republicans, we can expect the following (I haven't yet read what they have to say; it wouldn't surprise me to learn that they've already started):
1.Bin Laden's death is unimportant - No, it will not end anything, but this is a deeply significant event, both here and around the world, especially in Islamic countries.
2. Outrage that Obama "hogged all the credit" in his speech and failed to thank Bush by name - This will deflect the story away from bin Laden's death and onto the "character" of Obama. Nevermind that Bush failed not only to catch him, but failed to protect us from bin Laden in the first place: they will try to make Obama's "uppitiness" the story (but of course, except maybe in the south, they won't use that word).
3. From now on, any attack on the US that succeeds will be blamed on Obama for somehow "botching" the killing the of Bin Laden, or the disposal of his body. And make no mistake, the right will comb over whatever is published about the attack looking for problems and evidence of cover-up.
4. The more lunatic members of the GOP - ie, the teabaggers, the leadership, and Fox News - will raise suspicions about whether bin Laden was, in fact, actually killed. The mainstream press will report this garbage "objectively."
But I don't want to end on such a jaded note.
The death of bin Laden is astonishing news, amazing news, incredible. He achieved the martyrdom he so dearly sought, and which so much of America also dearly sought to provide him. Obama's task now is to negotiate a post-Osama world, a world just as dangerous as the one before, if not more so, but without the conveniently charismatic bogeyman "other" Osama's persona and legend provided.
We live in terribly interesting times.