This is how you hunt down a terrorist mastermind. Not with huge invading armies, salvos of Predator drones, torture chambers in secret prisons, and certainly not with Clash of Civilizations rhetoric.
You do it with
brains, patience, preparation, cooperation, skill and, at the very last moment, the kind of courage that creates its own good luck.
President Obama struck the proper tone Sunday night when he announced that a special “targeted operation” — since explained to us as a strike by an elite unit of Navy SEALS — raided the hideout of Osama bin Laden, leader of the al-Qaida terror network and the author of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, killed him, verified his identity with DNA, and commended his unlamented body to the deep.
This is what candidate Barack Obama said he would do if elected president.
He promised to wind down the war of choice in Iraq, which he correctly saw as the primary impediment to the most important national security matter before us. And that was the destruction of al-Qaida, particularly by the end, through capture or death, of bin Laden as its mastermind, chief fundraiser and seemingly eternal figurehead.