I expected that you fell for the birther crap (ie your reference to “Barry”) which was simply another smear invented by lunatic smear merchant Larry Johnson. I bet you are still waiting for that whitey tape.
This was not some soldier suddenly finding Bin Laden and asking for permission to kill. It required 4 helicopters worth on foreign territory to take out a foreign citizen, pretty much an act of war.
He ordered a SEAL Team to assassinate Bin Laden on Pakistani soil. A mission that was full of risk.
If it had gone wrong, the political fallout would have been massive and you would have been happy to dish it out because President Obama was the one who had the meetings and reviewed the intelligence. Obama made the decision to launch the mission and he as
Commander in Chief of the Armed Services is responsible for the well-being of those who serve.
There is absolutely no doubt that if that bloodshed was reversed and a unit was kidnapped by AQ as a result of a botched attempt to kill Bin Laden you would have been shouting Carter 2.
It succeeded and American Conservatives are actually saddened by this. It shows in your posts that you wanted the army to fail. Your attempt to say it was all torture evidence that found him when it clearly was not. Your attempt to say Bush did it when clearly he was not interested in finding Bin Laden. He kept you lot scared and the daughter of the literally heartless, undead former Vice President in a job.
Given who owns this site, I would really expect a lot more from you. Dave served so people like you and Fox can talk shit. If you really do have no respect for President Obama as CiC, then at least show some for the Armed Services and that SEAL Team in particular.