According to the Wikipedia entry:"Conference reports are privileged. And in the Senate, a motion to proceed to a conference report is not debatable, although
Senators can generally filibuster the conference report itself. The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 limits debate on conference reports on budget resolutions and budget reconciliation bills to 10 hours in the Senate, so Senators cannot filibuster those conference reports."
So, the chances of the bill getting better simply do not exist because Lieberman still has the veto pen in the Senate.
This is why the filibuster seems unconstitutional to me, too. The filibuster as the rule is presently configured makes the House of Representatives irrelevant, it gives the Senate an unbalanced power over legislation. So, the Senate Democratic leadership need to take the House bill that was sent to them, bring it up for a vote, let Lieberman filibuster, and then the 'nuclear option' should be invoked -- killing the filibuster for now and for the immediate future., we know this won't happen.
And, if this Senate version somehow gets signed into law, it will mean a bigger bloodbath for the Democrats in 2010 than if they pull the plug on this travesty. Just think how the Republicans and Teabaggers are going to fearmonger a federal government enforced mandate that everyone buy insurance from a private health insurance company or be fined ... it will be ugly for Democratic candidates ... ugly.