The Obama White House is">temporarily holding up "free trade" agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama until the GOP agrees to allow continued funding in Congress for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, which provides for "job retraining" programs for American workers laid off as a result of, well, these "free trade" agreements.
Sounds great, right? Obama and the corporate Democrats who are on the same page as the GOP with these free trade agreements are really looking out for American workers, right?
Wrong. It's already been known for several years now that job retraining programs have been a colossal failure: Retraining May Fall Short of High HopesBy MICHAEL LUO
Published: July 5, 2009
Tens of thousands of laid-off workers like Mr. Hutchins have turned to retraining as a lifeline. Yet for all the popularity of these government-financed programs, there are questions about whether they actually work, even as President Obama’s stimulus plan directs $1.4 billion more to retraining and other services for people who have lost their jobs.
Nonetheless, a">little-noticed study the Labor Department released several months ago found that the benefits of the biggest federal job training program were “small or nonexistent” for laid-off workers. It showed little difference in earnings and the chances of being rehired between laid-off people who had been retrained and those who had not.
In interviews, the authors of the study and other economists cited several reasons that retraining might not be effective. Many workers who have lost their jobs are older and had spent their lives working in one industry. In need of a job right away, many pick relatively short training programs, which often have marginal benefits. Job retraining is also ineffective without job creation, a point made by several economists who have long cautioned against placing too much stock in it. Finally, workers trying to pick a new field cannot predict the future of the labor market, especially in a time of economic upheaval.
An examination by The New York Times of one group of laid-off workers — 36 people who finished their retraining at Macomb Community College just outside Detroit at about the same time as Mr. Hutchins, from May to August 2008 — found that at least 60 percent appeared either not to be working or to be in jobs unrelated to their training. Several had jobs but then lost them later, according to state wage records and interviews.
And a review of wages for several employed workers before and after training showed that almost all had lost ground. The primary reason why job retraining has failed, of course, is due to the dramatically shrunk economy -- caused mostly by the very same "free trade" agreements which were supposed to
expand the economy (or so the corporate-owned politicians on both sides of the aisle have claimed for the past thirty years).
So, to sum up:
1) Because there's few or no positions to retrain for, job retraining assistance is wasted money;
2) Obama and his people are fully aware of this;
3) Despite being fully aware of this, the Obama White House is pushing for continued funding of TAA, apparently to express some token solidarity with the American workers they're helping corporations and the GOP to crush;
4) simply by virtue of asking for greatly increased TAA funding, Obama is really just acknowledging that these NAFTA-like free trade agreements actually
lose jobs for American workers, not create them (therefore, doing the very opposite of what the agreements have been publicly touted to do).
The answer is to nix the pending further middle-class destroying free trade agreements. However, that
will not happen; Obama and the GOP are both hell-bent on continuing to run the nation over the cliff with corporate-sponsored trade liberalization. Unless you and your children and grandchildren are/will be among the lucky few who will win the dwindling secure middle class job lottery, get ready for a future of lifetime barely-scraping-by fitful employment.