retirement..house payed for, etc., one possibly two illnesses such as heart attack, stroke or cancer would totally wipe them out financially because the chits the government would give them under the Ryan plan wouldn't buy much insurance if they could buy it at all. That would leave the bulk of hospital bills to the elderly to pay out of pocket.
We then have homeless old people who are dependent on their children and that is what Medicare was designed to prevent. The aim was to keep the elderly independent as long as possible.
Then there is the matter of Medicaid..which is also on the republican chopping block. Those elderly who become destitute because of the hospital bills cited above, would then be eligible for Medicaid if it's still around. Medicaid pays for the Homes for old people now. If that's gone, they only have two options..depend on their children or land on the street. Nice country the republicans envision.
There is one aspect of doing away with Medicare and moving to vouchers I've not seen addressed. As one ages, the memory and ability to concentrate diminishes..more in some less in others. To force the elderly to have to figure out which insurance company would give the the best bang for the buck will be very hard for them..they will either have to hire someone to figure it out or trust to luck. I'm sure the insurance companies will make it easier to choose. I know I don't want to deal with figuring it out myself when faced with choosing a Part D provider. I've had enough of those kinds of decisions when I was much younger and don't want to deal with them anymore..I just want to enjoy my retirement and not be faced with life altering decisions.