This is from Steve Benen (via Paul Krugman's blog), and it's a great reminder:
THE KIND OF DEBATE THAT'S LONG OVERDUE.... Maybe this is an esoteric point, but it occurs to me that the quality of the policy debate between competing progressive contingents is infinitely better and more interesting than the policy debate between Democrats and Republicans we witnessed over the last eight or nine months.
Much has been made this week of the often-intense dispute between activists and wonks -- progressive reform advocates who think the Democratic plan has merit and is worth passing, and progressive reform advocates who think the Democratic plan is a failure and should be defeated. It's an important dispute, with significant implications.
But notice the quality of the debate. Note that Howard Dean, Markos Moulitsas, much of the FireDogLake team and others are raising important questions and pointing to real flaws. At the same time, note that Ezra Klein, Jonathan Cohn, Nate Silver and others are offering meaningful defenses of the Democratic plan, based on substantive evaluations.
Progressive activists and progressive wonks are at each other's throats this week, but they want largely the same goals. Their differences are sincere and significant, but the intensity of their dispute is matched by the potency of their arguments.
Personally I want to pass the bill - partly because I have a personal stake (family member with pre-existing condition), partly because I'm convinced by Nate Silver and Paul Krugman - I am most upset by the fine print that lets insurance companies sell across state lines (effectively overriding all state health care laws - please please cut this out!!!). But the main thing is to recognize that we are all on the same side in this.
Links: Krugman's blog comments:'s op-ed is discussed in another thread.