Just who is this mythical perfect person who could somehow unite ALL the Dems for 2012 better than our current President demonstrably can, has and will continue to do despite the most fervent RW hopes and all the worst spin possible by the US M$M?
It is true that there are several people who will appeal to one faction or another, but there is not ONE of these who is the mythical perfect person who will unite the party better than the one we have now by November 2012. That is a fact.
Even if this mythical perfect person could still somehow be found and actually win the 2012 election, without liberals in place at every level, especially in Congress, that mythical perfect person will still have to make compromises that will be unpalatable to one group or another. And those groups will scream as loudly as those who feel that they have been "betrayed" are doing now.
Work to re-elect this President in 2012 and either work at your local level, your county level and your state level to get liberals elected to office whenever and wherever possible or run for office yourself. Then continue working hard, not simply during each election cycle, but constantly and consistently, to find and support liberal candidates for 2016 and so forth.
Otherwise you play right into the hands of Rove& Co, Christian RW zealots, the Koch brothers and the corporate masters. It's taken them a LONG time to build up their strength - as some of us have been noticing all along.
Now that the monsters and true enemies of democracy are in full flower after a long, stealthy, steady and successful build-up, you expect Obama to have wiped out all their gains in two+ years - first with a recalcitrant although nominally Democratic Congress, second with the most RW group of Rethugs ever to be in Congress at one time - all the while dealing with the worst economic and global messes since the Great Depression and WWII!
Please get real.