It's not just that I don't trust them. It's not just that I don't believe them. It's not just that I think the vast majority of them are mouth-breathers - the so-called 'low information voters' while the others are a bunch of venal con artists and cynical manipulators who prey on the intellectually-challenged majority. It's not just that I dislike them, or even despise them. It's that I now hate Republicans.
Why do I feel this way? Well, for openers:
- 8 long, long horrible years of Dimson: Cheeenee, John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales, 'The Constitution is just a damned piece of paper", Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, pissing away the huge budget surplus Clinton left, to name but a few of Idiot boy's greatest hits. And the Republicans cheered.
- Since the uppity black guy won, 2 1/2 years of total, scorched earth unrelenting obstructionism designed to bring the government to a complete halt, all with the stated intention and for the sole purpose of making sure that Obama is "a one term President". During this period the economy has gone from bad to worse to close to catastrophic back to worse, while now the electorate believes that "Obama owns this economy". Reestablishing the discredited Protestant Ethic in that the poor are poor because God doesn't like them and the rich get rich because God favors them. A platform of savage economic Darwinism.
- 10 years (or more) of having to bear the rabid screeching of the hyenas of talk radio and Fux TV as they shrilly assail everything that is decent in this country with total impunity (and increasing results) in brainwashing the 'I want a President I can have a beer with' Republican voters. Names of 'people' that could be used by anorexic teenagers as a wonderful option instead of the traditional finger down the throat: Beck, Hannity, Limpballs, Malkin, O'Reilly, Savage, Cunningham, the list goes on and on, a 24-hour loop that never stops its endless harangue. And their popularity (and influence) grows as the low-information voters soak up in wonder what they are supposed to think every day, listening to a huge, national megaphone held by nut cases who want to police every womans' womb and everybody's' bedroom, push Gays deep back into the closet and work tirelessly to 'restoring 'Merka as the Christian Nation it (never) was'.
- The vicious, hate-filled Willie Horton-bred unrelenting campaign to treat the genuinely elected President of the United States of America in the most despicable, pejorative terms: "Oreo", "boy", "Muslim", "Socialist", "Communist", "Liar" and any and every epithet that their venereal disease-riddled brains can concoct. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Frank Luntz has been tasked with finding a way to make "Nigger" acceptable again in so-called 'polite' discourse. After all, it's just a matter of framing the debate? There is no realistic possibility of working with these people. There is no realistic possibility of compromising with these people. Hate them? Hate isn't nearly a strong enough word.