By Steve Benen
There are three new national polls out this morning —
Washington Post/ABC,
NBC/Wall Street Journal, and
Politico/GW — and they largely point in the same direction. President Obama’s approval rating continues to fall, and is now in the low-to-mid 40s; Republicans are even more unpopular; and the American mainstream is deeply frustrated and pessimistic.
But since all of that’s rather predictable, let’s instead look at something a little more interesting: public attitudes on policy agendas.
NBC/WSJ poll (pdf) was of particular interest on this front, asking respondents:
“President Obama is expected to outline a jobs plan in the coming weeks. I’m going to read some different proposals that could be considered by the president. For each one please tell me if you think this proposal is a good idea, a bad idea, or do you not know enough about it to have an opinion.”
The most popular idea was having the government pay for unemployed workers to train at private companies. Funding a new road construction bill also enjoyed strong support. Though the polls weren’t quite as one sided, pluralities also backed an extension of unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut.