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Perry-Gate: The File (A categorized list of possible transgressions with links to relevent stories.)

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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 10:26 AM
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Perry-Gate: The File (A categorized list of possible transgressions with links to relevent stories.)

              Who Is Rick Perry?

THE RECORD: An organized list of links to various controversies, accusations, hypocrisies, and investigations concerning Rick Perry.

If you have links to important Perry stories, please post them in a reply to this message and I will add in the appropriate section (adding some as appropriate) and regularly update the entire in DU. I will give you credit and extend the list daily during the week.

This section is intended to be a helpful place to find facts about Perry's actions (and a few of his statement) which indicate his potential immorality. This categorized list is intended to be good place to begin investigations or to find items to use in discussions with Independents and Republicans.


1. In General: Keeping Track of Perry
2. Perry on Social Security and Medicare
3. Perry's 2004 refusal to halt the Texas execution of innocent man and coverup
4. Perry awarded his political donors huge contracts
5. Perry's Ties To Merek, makers of the HPV vaccine he promoted in TX
6. Perry on TX secession (April 15, 2009)
7. Perry's so-called "Jobs Miracle"
8. Perry's mentor, Phil Gramm, Exxon, financial collapse, etc.
9. Perry's relationship to Rove
10. Perry's TX/Confederate licence plate conundrum and potential controversy
11. Perry's hypocrisy concerning federal aid for TX
12. Perry's a $10,000/month rental house paid for by TX taxpayers, the $600,000 total
13. Perry's ties to religious extremists
14. Perry's sexual hypocrisy
15. Perry's acceptance of gifts as governor of Texas
16. Investigation of Mike Toomey, Perry's Chief of Staff, in 2004
17. Lobbying in TX for social services privatization
18. Perry's position switch on gambling after junket
19. Perry disavows elements of his book
20. Perry pushes insurance scheme to profit from Texas State teachers' deaths
21. Perry, "No stimulus if elected," though Texas has reaped billions in federal stimulus funds
22. Perry seals information on expenses for his and his entourage's travel until after 2012


1. In General: Keeping Track of Perry:

DU's Ashling sent this fine overview link. A beautiful resource compiled by Katherine Haenschen as "Everything Everyone Thinks You Need to Know About Rick Perry" for The Burnt Orange Report, almost any investigation of Perry would do well to start here or consult this useful site early in the process.:
The article with multiple hot links contains several sections: Perry Media Archives, Perry-Specific Micro Sites, Perry Important Reads, Perry Facts (in an easy-to-consult list form), and Perry's Major Speeches. A treasure trove! The archives section (archives of TX newspapers, weeklies, and monthlies on Perry) is invaluable for finding items on Perry's reactionary statements, misdeeds and potential misdeeds.

This piece from Addicting Info lists 4 areas of transgressions (Perry's sealing of records on his use of taxpayer money for travel; Perry donors appointed to top posts; Perry fined for failing to report income; and Perry's self enrichment in public office while hiding same in a blind trust) and provides links for each:


2. Rick Perry on Social Security and Medicare:

From a Newsweek interview:
PERRY: I don’t think our founding fathers when they were putting the term “general welfare” in there were thinking about a federally operated program of pensions nor a federally operated program of health care. What they clearly said was that those were issues that the states need to address. Not the federal government. I stand very clear on that. From my perspective, the states could substantially better operate those programs if that’s what those states decided to do.

CNN interview of Perry by Parker Spitzer (Nov. 4, 2010):

Perry hedges on Social Security (Aug. 15, 2011):

Time's appraisal Aug. 15, 2011:,8599,2088599,00.html

When Perry disavows his position on the unconstitutionality of the social safety net as espoused in his 2010 book Fed Up!, it indicates his realization of the lack of tenability of his positions. DU's ProSense sent this:

Perry is unrelenting in his treatment of Social Security. One day it's a "Ponzi scheme," the next it's a "Monstrous Lie!":


3. Perry's 2004 refusal to halt the Texas execution of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was known at the time to be an innocent man, and the subsequent cover up:

Quick summary:

The original New Yorker article (Sept. 7, 2009):

Salon's summary:

CNN on cover-up:

Huffington Post's presentation:

CNN's (unacknowledged) 10.14.09 use of the report from The Houston Chronicle with many fine links to the controversy:

DU's lumberjack_jeff sent this Salon link on how Perry used the execution politically, which imlies an innocent man died to further a corrupt politician's career:

In general, Perry holds record on executions, our Killing Most Governor (DU's ProSense sent tne latter link):


4. Perry awarded his political donors huge contracts:

LA Times:,0,7718310.story

The Young Turks's Cent Uygur on the Los Angeles Times article above:

Wall Street Journal on Perry's "Crony Capitalism" (Aug. 13, 2011):

DU's renate sent this fine link to an 8.21.11 story in The New York Times (through the MSNBC site) on the issue of Perry rewarding his political donors:



5. Perry's Ties To Merek, makers of the HPV vaccine he promoted in TX:

Washington Post: (Feb. 21, 2007)

Wall Street Journal:



6. Perry on TX secession: (April 15, 2009)


7. Perry's so-called "Jobs Miracle":

Houston Chronicle blog (July 21, 2011):

Daily Kos summary:



8. Perry's mentor, Phil Gramm, Exxon, financial collapse, etc. (a ripe area for investigation):

Thom Hartmann on YouTube:

Unrelated, but the recent (8.25) story indicates Gramm's role in Perry's plan to gain profits from a teacher life insurance scheme:


9. Perry's relationship to Rove:

Today's Washington Post contains a decent little summary of their presuptive history:


10. Perry's TX/Confederate licence plate conundrum and potential controversy :

Reuter's summary:


11. Perry's hypocrisy concerning federal aid for TX:

Yahoo posts a Time story:

Huffington Post's Paul Blumenthal even details how Perry sought earmarks (which he decries today) and actively lobbied, through K Street, for federal funds for TX (8.17.11):


12. Perry's a $10,000/month rental house paid for by TX taxpayers, the $600,000 total:

DU's Ilsa sent a link to a Huffington Post item on Perry's expensive public housing running over $600,000 to date: "Texas Gov. Rick Perry has spent almost $600,000 in public money during the past two years to live in a sprawling rental home in the hills above the capital. . . ." :


13. Perry's ties to religious extremists:

DU's Ilsa also sent links to Democracy Now's item on Perry's religious connections. The video, an interview with Texas Observer's Forrest Wilder, is everything you would expect from Democracy Now. The information is primarily on the New Apostolic Reformation's brand of radical evangelical Christianity with a very odd series of narrative beliefs (Christian takeovers, divine intervention through contemporary prophets and apostles, bringing Jews to Jesus to facilitate Christ's return, the End Times, etc.) Disturbing!

The piece by Forrest Wilder (seen in the video above) in The Texas Observer (Aug. 3, 2011), "Rick Perry's Army of God," provides a more detailed picture (and disturbing: ceremonies with branding irons, Texas as the "Prophet State," Biblical government, etc.) of Perry's presumptive religious beliefs:

Michelle Goldberg's piece for The Daily Beast, "A Christian Plot for Domiation?" lumps Perry and Bachmann's beliefs in a fairly quick, general summary:

Or perhaps Perry's conversion to evangelism was political as The New Republic's Tiffany Stanley suggests in her "Rick Perry's Conventionally Timed Conversion to Radical Evangelism" (Aug. 17, 2011). But, of course, a fraudulent believer might be more dangerous than a sincere one:



14. Perry's sexual hypocrisy:

Sara Jones's reports on Perry's relationship to the porn industry for Politicususa:

Huffington Post's report on Perry's potential contact with strippers (17 Aug. 2011):


15. Gifts Perry accepted as governor of Texas:

In "Rick Perry's gifts: Boots, trips, medical tests," Kenneth P. Vogel and Lucy McCalmont for Politico (8.18.11) report that the gifts Perry has accepted as governor exceed $22,000 in value. They also note the source of the gifts are heavy political donors, one who gave Perry's children jobs, children, etc. They name names.


16. Investigation of Mike Toomey, Perry's Chief of Staff, in 2004:

DU's starroute sent this fine link to a 2.24.04 investivation of "Perry's Karl Rove":
starroute sent another 2004 in which Toomey's name comes up prominently:

Again, staroute, on Toomey's steering the advertizing campaign for Texas Association of Business:

Toomey hides out on private island to avoid subpoena concerning the Perry/Green Party scandal (thanks, starroute):

And although Tomey is no longer Perrry's Chief of Staff, they are still extremely close (implying Perry has not disavowed Toomey's actions and points to possible illegal collusion with the super-Pac Toomey is running). Again, starroute:


17. Lobbying in TX for social services privatization:

DU's starroute sent this 2007 story on lobbying in TX for privatization welfare &c. whose supporters "grossly underestimated the costs--and wildly exaggerated the benefits":


18. Perry's position switch on gambling after junket:

Again DU's starroute gives us a new area for investigation. It turns out "Perry generally opposed gambling before he returned from a 2004 Bahamas junket with GOP powerbrokers, including Abramoff-Reed croney Grover Norquist. Governer Perry then proposed using slot machines to finance Texas schools." (It's a short mention in the 5th paragraph on this page):

DU's starroute sends more on the Bahamas junket with Norquist (in second to last paragraph):

starroute won't let up. More on Bahamas junket and ethical questions concerning:

Yet more (thanks, starroute) on the trip focusing on the fact it was paid for by others:


19. Perry disavows his 2010 book Fed Up!, which was published just last November:

DU's ProSense sent this story (8.23.11) in which Perry is shown to equivocate on stances he took in his book Fed Up! especially concerning the country's social safety net being unconstitutional:

Perry is criticized for reversing himself from his position (in Fed Up!) to repeal the 16th Amendment in favor of another system of taxation:


20. Perry pushed an insurance scheme to profit from Texas State teachers' deaths:

From The Huffington Post 8.25.11, noting Phil Gramm's role as well as Perry's Insurance Commissioner and Budget Director:

From The Huffington Post: Another Perry staffer "Ensnared in Teacher Death Bond Scheme":

Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks provides a useful summary of the teacher-death insurance scam:


21. Perry, "No stimulus if elected," though Texas has reaped billions in federal stimulus funds:

From August 30's The Huffington Post: Perry vows no stimulus after Texas has spent over 17 billion dollars in federal stimulus funds:


22. Perry seals information on expenses for his and his entourage's travel until after 2012:

DU's texastoast had a post Aug. 30, 2011 which gave two Washington Post items expounding on the story of Perry's lavish trips (at state expense) with Texas State Troopers et al., and then hiding the records from public view:

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Justyce Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 10:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. He sided with the big oil companies/refineries
Edited on Tue Sep-06-11 11:24 AM by Justyce
against people dying with asbestosis/mesothelioma. I live in a refinery area and have lost relatives to asbestosis. This didn't go over very well around here...

" of the major drawbacks has been that even the legitimate and genuine mesothelioma case got caught on wrong foot.

Asbestos is a toxic chemical that was liberally used in various industries in the 19th and 20th centuries. It has been attribute to be the causative factor in various lung cancers and mesothelioma cancer affecting the protective lining of the lungs and other major cavities of the body."
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kysrsoze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 11:22 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Nice job. I'm sure there's much more to be found.
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treestar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 11:43 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. K&R
Looks like there is a ton of dirt of Perry.
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 11:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Wow. Thanks, I'll add in late week edition!
And give you credit.
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 01:49 PM
Response to Original message
5. This will be added in late-week edition.

Perry, at the behest of Dow and Dupont, reduces dying workers' ability to claim asbestos' role in mesothelioma:

DU's Justyce sent this link:
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Denzil_DC Donating Member (268 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 07:46 PM
Response to Original message
6. Great work. Thanks K&R n/t
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LatteLibertine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 12:20 AM
Response to Original message
7. If homie gets into the White House the average citizen is so fucked :(
Edited on Wed Sep-07-11 12:22 AM by LatteLibertine
He's a sock puppet for large corporate special interests. The Koch brothers will be President in effect, not Perry.
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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 01:29 AM
Response to Original message
8. Wow! This is like a recurring series! I've bookmarked them all.
Thanks for the hard work, and come the GE, Perry is big time screwed......
all thanks to these many threads of Perry baggage!

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golfguru Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 02:03 AM
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9. superb research n/t
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
10. To be added to late week edition on Perry cutting funds for firefighters this year!

Perry cuts state spending for fire fighting by 75% but will accept federal finds to fight wild-fires:

DU's RamboLiberal posted this Raw Story item which details how Perry cut 75 percent in state funding this year for volunteer fire departments, those who fight a majority of wild-fires, noting how he also promised to seek federal funds for disaster relief from FEMA on Monday, Sept. 5:

RamboLiberal also posted a link to a fine local television account of Perry's cuts to 879 volunteer fire department:
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 10:47 AM
Response to Original message
11. And this to be added. (Is there no end to his man's corrupt nature???)

25. Perry becomes millionaire while "serving" in office:

This item from Zimbo is self-explanitory:
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 10:39 AM
Response to Original message
12. Please send links to similar stories and categories for Weekend Edition.
I'll post where appropriate and give you credit.
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