All the Senators who are having to be bought off, they're being bought off by excluding their state from the unfunded mandate of Medicaid expansion. The vast majority of the states, whose Senators didn't flog Washington for every morsel it could, they're still having to deal with it.
And, they're slashing Medicare. That used to be a scare tactic used by the Democrats against the Republicans. But now, the Democrats are the ones forcing it down our throats.
And, if we're going to slash Medicare anyway, why do we have to spend that money as soon as we get it? It doesn't have to be spent so quickly.
oh and if it isn't, exactly who among those in charge is going to do things differently to produce a different result?
What I don't understand is why they took the approach they did to begin with. The Healthy Americans Act was right there with universal coverage and better fiscal ratings. And, we know Obama is desperate to get something passed. So yeah, I could definitely see if this bill fails, plan B in '10 or '11 becoming the way we should have gone the whole time, the Healthy Americans Act.
But even if it's not, this bill gets its positive fiscal scoring via trickery. 10 years of revenue, 6 years of benefits. You've heard Obama say the 2nd decade of this bill is paid for too? Look at the repots, it's because health insurance costs go up so much, more people are paying penalties for not having insurance and they people who do have insurance are paying so much more taxes on that insurance, that that's how the 2nd decade is paid for.
Fiscally responsible? pfffffffffft
These days, everyone is running around saying health reform in inevitable, even the insurance companies. They weren't saying that in '93 when Clinton tried it. Health reform is now inevitable. Even McCain, the Republican, ran on a platform of health care reform. It was a shitty plan and a big reason why he lost. But, it shows how much health care reform has gained momentum. George H W Bush did not run on a campaign of health reform in '92.
But, if they fix a few of the smaller problems, and create bigger fiscal ones with this bill, it just kicks the can down the street. That's what sounds to me like delaying the problem, not the killing of this bill.