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Kerry: Opening Statement at Organizational Meeting of Joint Select Committee

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 02:35 PM
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Kerry: Opening Statement at Organizational Meeting of Joint Select Committee
Kerry: Opening Statement at Organizational Meeting of Joint Select Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Below is the full opening statement of Senator John Kerry (D-MA) as prepared for delivery today at the organizational meeting of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:

“When Congress charged us to take on this job, it was clear about the mission saying we “shall produce recommendations and legislation to significantly affect the short term and long term fiscal imbalance of the federal government,” reducing “the federal debt by at least 1.5 trillion dollars.”

“The critical words are “at least 1.5 trillion” and “significantly affect the long-term imbalance.” The only way to meet that challenge is not just to attempt, but to achieve a larger agreement that grows our economy, puts America back to work, and addresses the deficit -- sending the message loud and clear that Congress is serious and prepared at last to make the hard choices.

“In fact, the real mission of this committee isn’t found in any legislative language and it didn’t come from the ink of the President’s pen. Our charge comes from the American people, who wonder if we still can and desperately want us to sit down like adults and make the Congress work so that our economy can work for them once again.

“So, yes, we are here to examine the numbers, but we're also here to examine our consciences and look beyond narrow considerations of party or ideology to address the broader needs of our nation.

Our national debt is $14.7 trillion. But we’ve also got a jobs deficit. Twenty-six million Americans today looking for work. We can’t fix our budget without fixing jobs and we can’t fix jobs without fixing our budget.

“We must restore confidence and we need to do it in a hurry.

“The world is watching. And our strength at home determines our strength in the world. Only a few days ago, Russian Prime Minister Putin said that in today’s global economy, you only really need to deal with five countries – and America wasn't one of them. None of us were sent here to accept an economic future where the United States doesn’t make the list – let alone top it.

“And here at home, Americans are watching. In less than 13 years, if we don’t take significant steps, our government will only be able to fund Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and the interest on our national debt. Everything else we do would have to be deficit funded. By any measure, today’s fiscal path is unsustainable.

“As we face this challenge we need to remember that America cherishes a set of basic values. We believe in caring for the sick and bringing the elderly and disabled out of the shadows. We believe that every kid should have an opportunity. And we believe America must always prepare for the future. We will never accept the downsizing of the American Dream. As we engage in this effort, we cannot eat America’s seed corn – we need to grow.

“Some of us were here for Gramm-Rudman-Hollings in the 1980’s when we made tough decisions but also committed ourselves to never increasing poverty or inequality as a sacrifice on the altar of deficit reduction. And in the 1990s we saw how we balanced the budget in a balanced way.

“We can do it again. Three bi-partisan groups have spent thousands of hours working to find common ground. Rivlin/Domenci, Simpson/Bowles, and the so-called Gang of 6 have all built a foundation. We don’t agree with every proposal, and neither do they -- but they're road maps. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel but we must put our shoulder to the wheel and find the political willpower to get this done.

“None of us is so important or so permanent that we can ignore the demands of history or the demands of the moment. We have to find not just common ground but higher ground.

Throughout our history, Democrats and Republicans had deep disagreements, but they had an even deeper commitment to the strength and success of our country. Some of the most fiercely independent, plain-talking, and determined partisans have tackled the toughest issues, finding common ground with people they disagreed with on near everything else.

“Now it’s our turn. There’s a bi-partisan consensus just waiting if the 12 of us are willing to sit down and forge it and make it real. That is our mission. That is our charge. So let’s get to work.”

(emphasis added)

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TheWraith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 02:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. So where's the part about them ending Social Security and beating old people to death?
People here are swearing up down and sideways that the only reason this committee exists is to end Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and possibly also to torture small animals to death while reinstating debtors prisons. No, REALLY this time, not like the LAST fifteen times they falsely accused Obama of wanting to destroy Social Security. :eyes:

Kicked and recommended for the TRUTH.
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JoePhilly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 04:58 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. Yoiu have to read between the lines to find that ...
And you can be sure that some one on DU will parse his words and decipher the code words just like in the Da Vinci Code.

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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 03:10 PM
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2. Thank you - I was hoping his statement would come out
Here is a link to video at Cspan - Kerry is about 43 minutes in.

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 04:06 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thanks for the link. n/t
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Phx_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 04:17 PM
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4. Nice statement Senator. We actually have the Republicans by the balls on
Edited on Thu Sep-08-11 04:22 PM by Phx_Dem
this one. If they obstruct, as they always do, the triggers will kick in cutting Defense spending, and then they'll really have something to cry about. And absolutely no one else to blame. Their little debit ceiling obstruction/tantrum is what brought us this committee and the rules that govern it in the first place. Most Dems don't care and, frankly, would love to see the Defense budget cut.

So bring it on.

Edited to add: And now we'll get a chance to see what some of those Democrats who criticize Obama for negotiating and compromising are really made of. Let's see how they handle GOP obstruction.
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 04:52 PM
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5. Preparing everyone for some tough love--and using jobs as leverage
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-08-11 07:09 PM
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7. Evening kick
Hope people will take notice. :kick: :patriot:
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