From Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch email-letter I subscribe to. However, It's necessary to add the "GOP" here, as the latest email from GTW fails to emphasize (though they usually do) that the Republicans are just as eager as the Obama administration is in pursuing these middle-class-destroying "trade" agreements pushed by the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable; Obama is not solely to blame here.
How will I pay my rent or mortgage? How am I going to feed my family? Will my daughter be able to return to college in the fall? Questions like these are asked daily by 6.2 million unemployed Americans.
Horrifyingly, in the midst of America’s unemployment crisis, the Obama administration is pushing three NAFTA-style trade deals with Korea, Colombia and Panama that place more American jobs at risk.
Your member of Congress needs to know that his or her constituents expect a “no” vote on all three of these job-killing deals. Only Congress can stop this lunacy and only you can ensure there is a majority in Congress to say no.">Tell Congress how your life would be impacted if you got the pink slip
Your member of the House of Representatives needs to hear from you—your concerns, your hopes, your story. Why you insist he or she vote against these NAFTA-style deals. Hard-working families across the country need Congress to stand up for American jobs and create opportunities here, not support more of the same failed trade policies that have offshored jobs and increased our trade deficit.">Fill out a pink slip today and tell your Representative we can’t afford more job losses
We’ve already lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs since NAFTA. Many families are struggling to remain afloat. In Minnesota, Wanda—who was laid off from the automotive parts manufacturer Thompson Ramo Wooldridge last year—shared her story:
“At first I was happy because I had some time off with my husband and my kids. But now it’s been since October 24 and money is really short. Unemployment
not pay the bills I have coming in. I no longer have health or dental insurance. The kids need money for school, for their activities. I have the doctors, the dentist. It’s hard...”">Speak out against more NAFTA clones! Write to Congress and let them know how another pink-slip-creating trade pact would affect your life and community
When your Representatives return from congressional recess in September, we’ll pay them a visit and deliver your stories to their offices in the Capitol.
Thanks for all you do,
Beatriz Lopez and Brooke Harper
Senior Field Organizers
Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch