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Unions vow to work for passage of Obama jobs plan

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 11:13 AM
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Unions vow to work for passage of Obama jobs plan

Unions vow to work for passage of Obama jobs plan

by Laura Clawson

The response from unions and other labor-related groups to President Obama's jobs speech was overwhelmingly positive, with many aspects of Obama's proposals singled out for praise. There was widespread acknowledgement, though, of the fight ahead and the certainty of Republican refusal to take action to create jobs and boost the economy.


Alliance for American Manufacturing Executive Director Scott Paul:

The President is right about two things: We must invest in America's infrastructure and the time for action is now. We hope Congress will swiftly approve a sizable and sustained infrastructure bill. Such an action would begin to rebuild America, make our economy more efficient and our businesses more competitive, and boost the demand for manufactured materials like steel. Most importantly, it would create good-paying jobs.

In a press release, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry stated:

“Tonight, President Obama displayed the leadership America needs by laying out a strong agenda to get America back to work. The proposals he outlined are an excellent starting point in the crucial effort to create good jobs now.

“Now, it’s in Congress’s hands. The American people are watching closely to see whether Republicans will play politics with tonight’s commonsense proposals simply because of the messenger, not the merits, of the plan to turn around the national jobs crisis. The Republicans’ plan to further cut corporate taxes will do nothing to put Americans back to work, just as the recent record corporate profits have not lead to job growth.

Communications Workers of America:

It’s very important that the President tonight acknowledged the need for real collective bargaining rights for workers. We’ll never move forward to economic recovery if we don’t increase demand, and that only happens when workers have bargaining rights to improve their wages and working conditions. If we’re looking for a real, long term fix for our economy, this is it."


Trumka: In Speech, Obama ‘Goes to the Mat’ to Create New Jobs

Teamsters Urge Support for Jobs Plan

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Tarheel_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 11:16 AM
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1. K&R
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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 11:47 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. This will be a great effort! n/t
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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 12:46 PM
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3. More union reaction
Fire Fighters Say President’s Investment in Public Safety Will Create Jobs and Boost National Security (PDF)

Washington, DC – President Barack Obama’s call for a national investment in public safety in his speech September 8 will put fire fighters and paramedics back to work and will create safer communities around the country, generating a strong environment for local businesses to prosper and create even more jobs.

“President Obama last night proved to the public safety community that he gets it. His jobs proposal will put fire fighters back to work and prevent layoffs,” IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger said.

As part of his jobs plan, the president proposed providing $1 billion in the form of federal grants to municipalities across America to rehire fire fighters whose jobs have been eliminated, prevent further layoffs and fill positions that have been left vacant due to lack of funding. Nearly 15,000 fire fighter and paramedic jobs have been lost, are targeted for elimination or have been left unfilled after a vacancy. The $1 billion in proposed funding is in addition to the $405 million already available through the FY 2011 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant program to hire new fire fighters and rehire laid off fire fighters. The president’s bill also reaffirmed his support to use the same waiver language used for FY 2010 SAFER grants, which gave municipalities complete flexibility to use the funding to rehire laid off fire fighters, fill vacant positions and hire new fire fighters.

“The tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks serves as a reminder that fire fighters don’t just respond to house fires anymore. They respond when natural disasters like Hurricane Irene threaten people’s lives, when there’s a mass casualty event like the Tucson shootings, a medical emergency or a hazardous chemical spill, and we must invest in the safety of our communities because too many have fallen behind. Public safety isn’t just vital to people, it is crucial to economic development as well. Businesses flee when public safety is poor, and many communities are struggling to maintain public safety while the recession lingers,”

Schaitberger said. Schaitberger applauded the president for rejecting “the idea that we have to strip away collective bargaining rights to compete in a global economy.”

The president’s jobs bill also proposes allocating the D block of spectrum to public safety and invest $10 billion from other spectrum sales to build out the public safety broadband network. The 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center exposed deep problems with the communications systems used by fire fighters and other first responders. Fire fighters again had difficulty communicating during the September 11 attacks, and the 9/11 Commission subsequently recommended creation of a national public safety network.

“The president’s plan to invest in public safety communications will improve the ability of fire fighters, paramedics and law enforcement to respond more effectively to all kinds of emergency calls,” Schaitberger said. “We will work to push Congress to end the partisan nonsense that is holding our country back because the president’s plan to improve public safety and put fire fighters back to work is too important to let die because of the political posturing that kills every good idea put before Congress and which has pushed the American economy to the brink.” The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 300,000 fulltime professional fire fighters and paramedics and is the leading advocate for the health and safety of first responders. More information is available at ###

USW statement on President Obama’s jobs address to Congress

Pittsburgh (Sept. 8) – Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW) issued the following statement after President Obama delivered his jobs address to the joint session of Congress.

"President Obama has made it clear to us that job creation is his top priority – now it needs to become one for this Congress. Unemployment is stuck near double-digits and the economy stagnant. We need action now. Inaction is unacceptable.

“Calling Congress into a joint session signals that this isn't business as usual. Quick and decisive action is necessary to begin to restore our economy by rebuilding our manufacturing capacity through important investments in our country and our people as proposed by the President. The billons of infrastructure investments announced by the President will drive new jobs in manufacturing. He is right in saying that the next generation of manufacturing must be Made in America.

“The American Jobs Act is a promising tool to restore confidence that our government will act to ignite economic growth, reduce our unemployment rate and provide sustainable good jobs. It will put money in the pockets of working Americans, grow manufacturing, return teachers to classrooms hit by budget cuts, and cut taxes for small business.

“The roll out is a bold jobs plan to establish a national infrastructure bank, reshape the tax code, refocus of the trade agenda, provide new federal loan guarantees for energy projects and to promote infrastructure project for schools, rail, airports, bridges and roads.

“For this plan to work, the most prosperous individuals and corporations must pay their fair share and the benefits delivered by social programs such as Medicare and Social Security must be continued to be efficiently delivered.

“We call on Republicans to join the Democrats' lead on the jobs plan and abandon their confrontational obstructionist tactics. We need to put America back on track. USW members will do their part and make their voices heard in support of the Administration’s plan.”

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ClarkUSA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 12:49 PM
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4. Keep the facts coming! Nice to see all the naysaying cranks proven wrong.
Edited on Fri Sep-09-11 12:50 PM by ClarkUSA
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Inuca Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 12:52 PM
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5. But... but.... but...
didn't they abandon him? And all the democrats besides? I read it somewhere....
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Whisp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Obama the mean heartless union buster... where'd he go?
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Greybnk48 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 12:58 PM
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6. K&R. This says it all for me. Thanks.
With all the varying responses on here it's hard to know what to think. I thought the speech was super! But things are often a matter of translation and interpretation. But if the Unions have unanimously approved than I know I was not fooled by dblspeak.

My only fear is that nothing will happen at all in the end. Especially with so many hurting out there. : ( But I'm with President Obama on this one and I'm hoping for the best!
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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 05:38 PM
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7. AFSCME: President Obama is Right: The Country Needs Jobs Now
President Obama is Right: The Country Needs Jobs Now

Statement of AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee in response to the American Jobs Act outlined by President Obama

“Americans are hurting and the President knows it’s time to put the middle class and the country first. The President gets it, the suffering our members see on the frontlines of public service is real, and if the partisan response is the same old posturing about regulations, deficits and taxes, we’ll know they don’t.

“President Obama has taken a bold step toward creating jobs immediately; improving the economy, investing in infrastructure and putting America back to work. Rather than fold their arms and stomp their feet in opposition, it’s time for Republican leaders in Congress to put tea-based politics aside and do what’s right for the country.

“The President made fighting for jobs, the middle class and working families his number one priority tonight. He realizes that economic recovery is dependent upon both public and private sector growth and closing the Texas-sized tax loopholes to make Wall Street fat-cats pay their fair share is better than laying off nurses, teachers and fire fighters.

“For the first time in 60 years, we saw zero job growth last month because tiny gains in the private sector were canceled out by 17,000 job losses in the public sector. Congressional Republicans need to put aside political differences and begin the real work of the nation; but if they want a fight, bring it on. It’s worth fighting to end unemployment lines and putting people back to work. The American Jobs Act will have an immediate impact on job creation and will help grow the economy now. Now is the time to stop the petty posturing and pandering to extremists and work with the President to pursue a jobs agenda for all Americans.”

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JoePhilly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 05:43 PM
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8. Corpratist Bastards!!!!
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