Edited on Mon Sep-12-11 01:07 PM by Honeycombe8
pointing out that this was what Big Ed was saying. Big Ed wasn't saying that this guy would never back down from his ponzi scheme statement and that meant he wanted to end SS.
Big Ed said just the opposite: Those who are saying that Perry wants to end Social Security are making a mistake, because Perry has never said that. You can deduce that's what Perry meant/means. Anyone with half a brain knows that he wants to end Social Security for those in the future. But Big Ed, as I pointed out, was quite right in saying that Perry never uttered those words...that he wanted to END Social Security.
I said in my response that Perry could come back with a spin something like...SS IS a Ponzi scheme, the way it's set up right now. But I plan on changing it so that it is NOT a Ponzi scheme, and that will protect young people's Social Security for the future.
That is what, in fact, he seems to be saying now.
BTW...he said during the debate that people currently on Social Security or those that are Perry's age...the age where they would soon be eligible for it...don't need to worry. SS will stay the same for them.
Note: To be clear, I most definitely think that Perry wants to take the workers' money forceably, and give it to Wall Street, "for our own good." That's his idea of a Social Security program. That way, Wall Street gets to steal the workers' money through fees, fees, and more fees, and invest it in the stock market. You know, like the 401K we have now, except the 401K is voluntary. I would bet my house that Perry would make SS INVOLUNTARY...the govt would just take your money. Oh, and..the part that makes the employer contribute to your SS? That would be gone. They'd just take OUR money.