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The GOP base doesn't want 'substance' or a 'record'...

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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 05:27 AM
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The GOP base doesn't want 'substance' or a 'record'...
Edited on Tue Sep-13-11 05:28 AM by onehandle
...they want a loud white male idiot in cowboy boots.

I still think it's Mitten's race to lose for the nomination, but judging by the cruel and sadistic applause lines, Perry might be just the asshole to fit the 'get the black President even if it destroys the country' agenda.

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davidpdx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 06:05 AM
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1. I tend to agree with you
Though any generic Republican for them would do. They are going to kick and scream to make sure nothing gets done in the next 14 months.
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sofa king Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 08:01 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. They're going to try that, for sure.
But I've looked pretty closely at the details of those compromises already made, and a few other things">like this, and that leads me to believe that the Republicans have already traded away most of their ability to interfere.

I've noticed that this President has a punitive streak, and a real knack for getting his opponents to punish themselves for opposing him. There will be a lot of kicking and screaming over the next year, for sure, but I think the difference will be that they'll be screaming because they can no longer stop things from getting done.

You shouldn't believe me without evidence, so watch for it: I think the GOP is going to start inexplicably rolling over on the jobs issue and many others. The only reason they would do such a thing is if the President has already gamed the system so they don't have a choice.
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Cosmocat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 08:05 AM
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3. You are right, but Mittens is a longshot at this point ...
Perry has him about doubled in polling, and when the non-contenders drop their people are more likely to go to Perry than Romney.

Perry has South Carolina LOCKED, and my guess is will do well in the very fundamentalist Iowa caucus. New Hampshire might not be great for him, but if he wins Iowa, it is nearly over out of the gates, and if he finishes second and does OK in New Hampshire, SC gives him a lifeline.

Perry is mean, loud and defies all reality and reason - he IS the republican party of 2011.
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